by Richard
“Now, we're promised a Church Age through Reformers, and we've had them.
But He promised, in Malachi 4: He'd keep His pattern in the last days,
what would take place, 'to turn the hearts of the children back to the
Faith of the Apostolic Fathers' — for that very purpose! And the church is
so broke up in denominations and isms, it's so tore to pieces till it's
[Sermon: I Have Heard But Now I See]
“…I understand there'll be a voice come in the last days crying out of the
wilderness, calling the people back to the Original Message, back to the
things of God… Hear me! Thus Saith The Lord, God will not deal with His
Church till She comes back to the Homeland, the Message of the hour! Come
back to the Original! …Come back to the Homeland, to the beginning!… He
wants us back to the Truth, back to the Spirit, back to the right life,
back to the highway in Christ!…”
[Sermon: Gabriel's Instructions To Daniel]
“Aren't you glad? Back to the Message, brother! Back to the Original! Back
to Pentecost! Back to the real blessing! Back to the Name of Jesus Christ!
Back to the Baptism of the Holy Ghost! Back to signs and wonders! Back to
Pentecost! Away with your organizations! Back to the Holy Ghost! He is our
Teacher! Back to the beginning! Back to what Paul taught!”
[Sermon: Seventy Weeks of Daniel]
“That's why I know the Holy Spirit is my Compass that guides me. He is the
One that makes me know this Word is true; He is my Absolute; He is my
Sunshine; He's my Life; He's my Anchor! When troubles are on, He's my
North Star. When I'm lost, the Holy Spirit is my Compass that guides me
back to the place. Denominations are like other stars; they shift with the
world. Other stars shift as the world shifts, but not the North Star…
That's the way with the denominational churches. But Christ is the
Absolute. He's the One you can put confidence in. …He is my Absolute.”
[Sermon: The Absolute]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
These are the words of William Marrion Branham, God's messenger to this age.
They are but some of his many repeated calls to God's children in this last
days to return to the Faith of their Apostolic Fathers and to contend for
that Faith which was once delivered to the saints in the days of the
Apostles. Bro. Branham declared that his Absolute was Christ, the Living
Word of God — not just the Person alone but the very Anointing of the
Holy Spirit upon the Sacred Scriptures.
Now, for about three decades since the departure of Bro. Branham from this
world into the realm of God's paradise, hundreds of thousands of followers
of the Branham's Message have brought a reproach upon the very Message the
prophet was sent to proclaim. The man and his message are generally
misunderstood by the denominational Christians mainly because of the folly
of the majority of his followers. Instead of believing and studying the Word
of Life, they choose to believe that the oral words of William Branham, as
recorded on the many magnetic tapes, are the absolute authority. Many claim
that the taped sermons of Bro. Branham contain all the answers to their
questions. Thus, they have literally rejected the fact that “all
scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2
Tim.3:16). “Lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD…” (Jer.8:9).
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap.”
– Galatians 6:7
Many times I have been told by some so-called Endtime Message preachers that
“the Spoken Word is the Original Seed and is thus above the Written Word”.
They believe that all the words spoken by the messenger are “Thus
Saith The Lord” and that they are “The Absolute”. As such, the
Bible, is almost completely forsaken by these people. They would only
“say what the tapes say” — no more and no less — for fear of being
called unbelievers. Those so-called leaders often clone other followers to
be like themselves and lead them in a cultic direction. Yet, among
themselves they often squabble over the words and statements of the
messenger. They argue over the discrepancies in the oral words of Bro.
Branham. And unbeknown to them demons are in their midst. (Remember: demonic
spirits hang around false doctrines.) One such spirit is that which promotes
the 'deity doctrine' that William Marrion Branham was either God or the Lord
Jesus Christ. And since the death of Bro. Branham, many have publicly
confessed to that belief. Many more will do so.
According to the Scriptures there is ONLY ONE ORIGINAL SEED. It is none
other than the LOGOS that came forth from the Almighty Invisible Spirit —
YAHWEH (Jhn.1:1,14). The Logos was the Spoken Word of God which created the
Heaven and the Earth and all things therein. And it is by this Seed Word
that we have our being and eternal life (1 Pet.1:23; 1 Jhn.3:9).
Without the revelation of the Word of God from the Holy Spirit it is
impossible to understand God. Jesus the Christ said, “I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (Jhn.14:6
cf. 14:9). The Holy Spirit was given to the
saints to teach them all things and to bring all things to their
remembrance, whatsoever God had taught them (cf. Jhn.14:26).
And without the Holy Spirit one just cannot comprehend the Word at all. No
wonder the Apostle Paul prayed earnestly for the saints at Ephesus “that
the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the
spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Eph.1:17).
Today, the religious denominational Christians and the Branhamites alike are
without any revelation from God as to what their Heavenly Father is doing in
this hour. They may think they do but all that they have are their
passionate indulgence in their own creeds, dogmas, books and consensus.
That you might understand what spoken words are and what spiritual
revelation is to a Christian, let me share with you an adage from an
oriental homily.
A group of disciples, with their wise teacher, was seated in a field. The
wise man began the discourse by making a statement and asking a question,
“'Two persons walking with raindrops falling from the sky, and heaven
does not drench one person.' Can you explain this?”
For a moment there were whispers among the disciples. Then one of them
stood up and answered, “Because
one of them is wearing a straw coat and the other is not.”
Another disciple got up and responded happily,
“Because the rain is scattered and does not fall onto both, so one of
them got drenched but not the other.”
Seeing no reply from the wise man to the two answers, a disciple quickly
jumped up and explained gleefully,
“Because one of them is walking along the middle of the road while the
other is walking under the shelter of buildings.”
A silence followed. The wise teacher then replied,
“All of you based your answers on 'does not drench one person,'
so of course you cannot figure out the meaning. Actually, by 'does not
drench one person,' does it not mean that both persons got wet?”
The disciples were jolted by the words of the wise man. They were ashamed.
Why didn't they think of it? Of course they didn't think of it. Why would
The adage is this: “A finger points to the
moon, but the moon is not at the tip of the finger. Words point at the
truth, but the truth is not in words. To seek illumination through words is
to get lost in the web of words and not see the truth.”
Yes, as Bible Believers we must look beyond the written or spoken words and
let the Holy Spirit lead us into the God-breathed Logos of the Sacred
Scriptures and illuminate us with the light of His Truth. Many Christians
are lost in the web of semantic confusions. It is particularly true of the
Branhamites. They are groping in the dark when they search the words of
William Branham instead of the Word of God. They get trapped in the web of
semantic confusions when they begin to weave the words of the messenger as
the Absolute Truth and the Authority of a believer's life that they fail to
recognize the Truth of the Logos. Truly, they are lost in the midst of words
just as the Scriptures say, “And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of
Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and
seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive” (Matt.13:14).
The Old Testament ends with this prophecy:
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great
and dreadful day of the LORD:
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart
of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a
curse.” – Malachi 4:5-6
Denominational Christians have fought tooth and nail against the Endtime
Message believers over this prophecy. They contend that, like all prophetic
books of the Old Testament, the Book of Malachi was also written to the Jews
and for the Jews, and that the Elijah will be a Jewish prophet who will
appear in the last week of Daniel's Seventy Weeks prophecy (Daniel chapter
9). Therefore, they claim that these last two verses have nothing to do with
the New Testament Church, which comprises both Jews and Gentiles.
Contrariwise, the two verses certainly have everything to do with the
Church! This Old Testament prophetic epilogue is a bridge to the
fulfillment of the New Testament. It is not only a dual prophecy concerning
the 'coming of Elijah', but it also contains a double reference — to
the Church and to Israel.
The main theme of this prophecy is “the heart”
of man. The Old Testament is filled with prophecies about the coming of the
Messiah to redeem God's people. We call that 'Good News' — The Gospel. It is
by this Gospel that the Word of God is to be engraved onto the heart of man.
“Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ
ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living
God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart” (2
Cor.3:3). And in God's economy, He has ordained the spirit of Elijah to
introduce that Gospel into the heart of man.
The arrival of John the Baptist marked the dawn of a new age — the Age of
Grace. John the Baptist was the dividing line between the Old and the New
Testaments. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God fulfilled the Law and the
oracles of the Prophets. “The law and the prophets were until John: since
that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it”
John the Baptist came in the power and spirit of Elijah the prophet and
performed that which was prophesied of him. “And he shall go before him
in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the
children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a
people prepared for the Lord” (Lk.1:17). His ministry was to prepare the
way for the Lord. His message was a call to repentance. John not only
preached the 'Good News' of the Kingdom of God to the children of Israel, he
also condemned the religious system of his days. In so doing, he hoped to
cause the hearts
of the religious fathers to turn
from their traditions to the faith
of the Gospel believers. There is no clear record in the Scriptures on the
number of religious fathers whose hearts were turned to the faith of God's
newborn children who believed John the Baptist's message of repentance and
the coming Messiah. But evidently, people like Nicodemus, Saul (later
renamed Paul) and Gamaliel were unquestionably influenced by John's message.
The converts of John the Baptist were
“children” of the faith of the Gospel. Though
only two were specifically mentioned to have turned from John to become the
disciples of the Lamb of God upon his proclamation (Jhn.1:35-37),
undoubtedly the twelve disciples of Jesus were either disciples of John or
followers of his message and that all of them were definitely baptized by
him in water unto repentance.
The disciples of Jesus Christ were later ordained APOSTLES. They became the
spiritual fathers
of the Faith. They were the foundations of the Church (Eph.2:20; 1 Cor.3:10;
Heb.11:10; Rev.21:14). The Church began to grow but the enemy soon got into
the field and sowed tares. Nicolaitanism appeared and controlled the
believers. By and by the Church grew weaker. Man-made doctrines, creeds and
dogmas were introduced and the Holy Spirit was ousted from the Church.
Christianity has since become a formal religious order — “having a form
of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2 Tim.3:5).
Then God sent that same spirit
of the prophet Elijah on the scene at the close of the Grace Age. He had to
because He promised it (Mal.4:6b cf. Matt.17:11).
We are living in the last days of the Church Age. The White Robe of the
Bride of Christ is badly stained with filthy man-made doctrines and
traditions. To have a Living Bride fit for the Rapture, God has to clean her
up completely with the water of His Word. Any man-made stuff is an
abomination to God. It darkens His True Light. “This then is the message
which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in
him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and
walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light,
as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of
Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 Jhn.1:5-7).
That spirit of Elijah came to restore the Living Bride back to the Word.
William Marrion Branham was that man anointed with the spirit of the prophet
Elijah. He came to turn “the heart of the children to their fathers”.
We, who are truly born of the Spirit and the Word of God, are the spiritual
children of God in this hour.
Notice the difference between the phrases:
“the heart of the fathers to the children”
“the heart of the children to their
fathers”. In the first there was no
relationship between the “fathers” and the “children”. They had different
faiths; one was Judaism, the other was the Gospel of God. In the second, the
“children” were related to the “fathers” by a common faith. But the hearts
of the “children” also strayed from that faith into denominational darkness.
For this cause God sent William Branham to turn
their hearts back
to the original faith of their Apostolic “fathers”.

The Message of William Branham was to turn the hearts of the children to
their fathers. Bro. Branham gathered together all the basic fundamental
truths of the Scriptures and told the believers to stay on those truths. He
was also given the revelation of the Seven Seals in the Book of Revelation.
Many believed in his teachings and came out of the various denominations.
Unfortunately, many do not know their “fathers”, because either they have
yet to learn their “fathers” or they simply refuse to learn their “fathers”.
A large percentage of the followers of William Branham have openly (and
foolishly) declared that they are the spiritual 'children of the Prophet
Branham', but they do not really know the simplicity of his message.
For Bro. Branham's teachings to make sense to them, the believers have to
come right back to the Homeland, the Sacred Scriptures of God and begin
learning about the Original Faith from the epistles of the Apostolic Fathers
themselves. The apostles founded the Church together with the New Testament
prophets (Eph.2:20; 3:5; 1 Cor.3:10). They laid
the foundations for others to build on them. We do not, and will not, have
the Absolute until we come right back to the very faith that was once
delivered to the saints. Only with the Absolute can we contend for the faith
(Jude 3) and give an answer to all who ask us
for the reason of our faith (1 Pet.3:15).
I would like to call your attention to the difference between
'Christ Jesus, THE FOUNDATION of the Church'
'The Apostles, the foundations of the Church'.
We know that our Lord Jesus Christ is THE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH —
“Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a
stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that
believeth shall not make haste” (Isa.28:16). The “precious corner
stone” is also the Chief Corner Stone or Head Stone, (that is, the Apex
Stone) of the pyramidal Holy City New Jerusalem (cf. 1 Pet.2:6-7).
He laid down His Life as THE FOUNDATION (STONE) FOR THE CHURCH nearly 2,000
years ago. In fact, He was slain even before the creation of the world
FOUNDATION (Isa.28:16; 2 Tim.2:19) and It is
Apostolic Fathers FOUNDED the Church. The Apostles' revelations of the Word
were the supports or footing for the Church. Hence, the Church was said to
be laid upon the FOUNDATIONS OF THE APOSTLES. “For he [Abraham] looked
for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God”
“And the WALL OF THE CITY HAD TWELVE FOUNDATIONS, and in them the names
of the twelve apostles of the Lamb” (Rev.21:14). However, over a period
of time, through the deeds of the Nicolaitanes (Rev.2:6,15), the Adversary
subtly brought into the Church false teachings which soon replaced the
Apostolic Teachings. These false teachings weakened the Church as they
slowly ate away the Apostolic Foundations. As the Apostolic Stones were
slowly removed one by one, the believers, as a Church, have but only
weakened foundations upon which to build their spiritual lives. By the 4th
Century, Christianity had become a religion of man-made traditions.
Man-made religious traditions, creeds and dogmas have actually destabilized
the true foundations of the Church of God. They have actually become the
foundations of the many religious sects within Christendom. Plainly, the
religious sects within Christendom have either 'lost' the True Apostolic
Foundations or been building on 'broken' ones because of traditions, creeds
and dogmas. In some sects, such as the Roman Catholic church, they have
actually destroyed the Apostolic foundations. “If the foundations be
destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psa.11:3) And even though the
Christian fundamentalists may insist that they are building on the true
foundations, they are certainly not the foundations that the Lord had laid
through the Apostles for His Church. Paul says, “According to the grace
of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the
foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he
buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor.3:10-11 cf. Lk.6:47-49).
Today, the Neo-Pentecostalists and the Neo-Charismatics, who are practically
impersonating the Early Church, are building on faulty foundations which
will surely crumble.
Let us study the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah. These two Books (which are
treated by the Hebrews as one Book) record the return of Israel to
Jerusalem. In them we see how God restored His people to their place of
worship, fellowship and blessing (1 Jhn.1:5-9) and how He provided a
government to protect and give them victory over their enemies “that we
be no more a reproach” (Neh.2:17). The Book of Ezra has been placed
before Nehemiah because it deals with the restoration of the temple and the
temple worship which were the focus and heartbeat of the Jewish people. The
Book of Nehemiah deals with the rebuilding of the walls and the government
of the city of Jerusalem.
What God did for natural Israel as a kingdom, His chosen people, He is now
doing the same for spiritual Israel, the True Church, which is a holy nation
(1 Pet.2:9). The Church must come back to THE WORD OF GOD and be restored to
the right FOUNDATION. Then God will help build the WALL — the FIVEFOLD
MINISTRY — to keep IT. It's a beautiful type.

“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD
by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the
spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all
his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,
Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all
the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at
Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him
go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God
of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.
And whosoever remaineth in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of
his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with
beasts, beside the freewill offering for the house of God that is in
Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the
priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go
up to build the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem.”
– Ezra 1:1-5
The children of Israel were captives of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylon King,
for seventy years. Israel's freedom came when the Medo-Persian Empire
overthrew Babylon. And Israel was allowed to return to their homeland.
“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by
the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled.” God's Word never fails. And
we are living in an hour that the Word of God, by the mouth of the prophet
Branham, will also be fulfilled.
We know that in every age there is a portion of God's Word that will be
fulfilled. In the days of Jesus Christ, when the Word was fulfilled, the
Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes just could not recognize the Christ. They
could only claim that they had Abraham, Moses and the prophets. They could
look back into history and judged the foolishness of those people who had
rejected Noah's message of impending world judgment, and those who had
rejected Moses' message of the blood token which would avert the slaying of
their firstborn by the death angel. Yet, they could not recognize who Jesus
was. Truly, they were not the seeds of God (Jhn.8:37-47). They had rejected
the Word and crucified Him.
Likewise, in this hour, there are also groups of people who have come out of
denominational prison cells and claim Branham as their prophet but have
failed to recognize the Light of his message. All they know is
“what the prophet said” and nothing else. They
have made a mess of everything that Branham stood for and brought a reproach
upon his message and the Word of God. They, too, have rejected the Word and
crucified It afresh.
Cyrus was a type of Jesus Christ. He typed Jesus Christ as a liberator, a
good shepherd, a conqueror of the enemies, a restorer of the city and one
who glorified God. God moved his heart to make a written proclamation,
throughout his kingdom, saying, “Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The
LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath
charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.” In
type, God has anointed Jesus Christ to build a spiritual house — a temple
and a city called the Holy City, New Jerusalem. [Note: The House of God is
not just the Temple of God. The Hebrew word for “house” is “bayith”
which means “family” whereas the word “temple” is “heykal” which
means “large public building for worship, assembly, etc.”. In other words,
the House of God is the whole City of God's people dwelling together with
the Temple in their midst. You cannot have one without the other. Cyrus'
decree marked the start of Daniel's 'Seventy Weeks' prophecy
(Dan.9:24-27, cf. Isa.44:28; 45:1,13).] This New Jerusalem will become a
reality in these last days. An elected group of people will be ordained and
will be called out of the world and of all religious isms and sins, to the
True and Living God and His Word.
The Book of Ezra was placed before the Book of Nehemiah because the temple
was reason enough for a spiritual people to build a city. God's true
worshippers tend to gather in the temple to worship their Creator. A city
without a temple cannot be regarded as a City of God.
Now spiritually speaking, where is the true Temple of God? Certainly, it is
not the denominational churches where people congregate to worship in their
traditions, man-made creeds and dogmas. The Roman Catholic church, the
Protestant church, the Pentecostal church, the Charismatic church and all
other churches by whatever names, can all claim that God is in their midst.
But the truth is that the true Temple of God is Christ — the Word of God.
God is not in the church, God is in His Word. Amen! That's the truth. God is
in His Word, and if an assembly does not possess the True Word of God then
God is not in their midst.
Look at the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Scribes. They were holy,
weren't they? They said their prayers. They gave alms. They were very
religious. But Jesus Christ cursed them and called them white-washed
sepulchers (dead men's tombs nicely painted up), hypocrites and vipers
(Matt.23:13-25). Why? Because they not only did not have the Word of God but
they fought against those who had. Don't go around acting religious. Being
religious is not good. You need to be spiritual and have spiritual
discernment in this hour that you are living in. O, may God grant you
“the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him”.
“Who is there among you of all his
people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in
Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel, (he is the God,) which
is in Jerusalem.” Yes, only
God's people. Not the others. Yet not “all” did say, “Yea, yea, we'll go and
build” for “many are called but few are chosen.” Only
“the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the
Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build the
house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem” (Ezra 1:5). How true. In this
hour it is only the true ministers and the little flock of Christ whose
hearts God has quickened to build a Living Tabernacle of God. Nevertheless,
let us not lose our vision for “where there is no vision, the people
perish” (Prov.29:18a). “But the people that do know their God shall
be strong, and do exploits” (Dan.11:32b). Amen.
Beloved, let me tell you something. If God had not called you to a ministry,
you just can't do the work. The Psalmists declared in Psalm 127:1,
“Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except
the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” If God had not
raised you up to do a particular ministry, you will be laboring in vain.
Everyone who is an elect of God has a part in God's ministry, contributing
toward the necessities (1 Cor.3:9; 2 Chron.24:6; 1 Cor.16:1; 2 Cor.9:7) even
if they are not ordained a gift to the ministry (Eph.4:7-13). Everyone is a
part of the HOUSE. We are a royal priesthood and a holy nation.
Look at the denominational churches, God didn't build those churches. God
didn't create those denominations. The people are deceived, they are
bewitched by deceiving spirits to accept a Gospel other than the one that
the Apostle Paul had preached. Look at how their preachers labour. They
publish and sell for profits the 'messages' which they claim are God-given.
(I believe that a message that is truly God-given cannot be sold for
profit.) Simply because they have a PH.D., LL.D., Lit.D., D.D. or any of
those great theological degrees, they are hailed as great men of God. They
build schools, medical hospitals, universities and other commercial
projects. What a shame! Christianity has become a commercialized
organization — all bricks and money. And Satan is being worshipped right in
it! It's the truth. But God's Church is not like that. Except God builds it,
any one who tries to build a church for God labours in vain.
It's a very sad thing to hear of how Christians could believe that in Heaven
the Church will be a conglomeration of Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic,
Pentecostal, Charismatic and so forth, nearly two thousand denominational
groups, coming together like colored pieces in a stained-glass window. O,
how blind can people be! Saints of God, when you get to Heaven, you are not
going to see a single denominational church in there, not a Methodist church
or a Baptist church or a Catholic church. You will not be able to find even
a Branhamite church in Heaven. You will see in Heaven only Christian people
(and I mean true Christian people!) who are born again and possessing the
Holy Spirit. You will see in Heaven only true pure white Bible-believing
Christians. Because, figuratively speaking, before you enter the Pearly
White Gate, the angel is going to ask you:
“Are you born again?” He is
not going to ask you whether you are a Methodist, a Lutheran, a Catholic, a
Pentecostal or a Branhamite. He is not going to ask you that! No sir! He is
going to ask: “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?”
Amen! Amen!
“And when the seventh month was come, and the children of Israel were in
the cities, the people gathered themselves together as one man to
Then stood up Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and his brethren the priests, and
Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, and builded the altar
of the God of Israel, to offer burnt offerings thereon, as it is written
in the law of Moses the man of God.
And they set the altar upon his bases; for fear was upon them because of
the people of those countries: and they offered burnt offerings thereon
unto the LORD, even burnt offerings morning and evening.
They kept also the feast of tabernacles, as it is written, and offered the
daily burnt offerings by number, according to the custom, as the duty of
every day required;
And afterward offered the continual burnt offering, both of the new moons,
and of all the set feasts of the LORD that were consecrated, and of every
one that willingly offered a freewill offering unto the LORD.
From the first day of the seventh month began they to offer burnt
offerings unto the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was
not yet laid.”
– Ezra 3:1-6
A decree was given because a prophecy had been uttered by God's prophet,
Jeremiah. God had kept His promise. So, with one common faith, with one mind
and one accord, a small number of the children of Israel got together and
went to Jerusalem. After seventy years in exile, they returned to their
homeland to rebuild their temple and to restore temple worship. Remember
that Jerusalem was the only place that Jehovah had put His Name there since
the day the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the city by King David. The
Glorious Temple of King Solomon was built there and the Shekinah Glory of
God dwelt there between the two cherubim on the lid of the Ark in the Most
Holy place within the temple. Now, spiritually this points to God dwelling
in His Word in the Holy City, New Jerusalem, which is His Church.
Jerusalem was desolate and laid waste. The temple was destroyed and the city
walls were broken. There was nothing left of the city but a pile of rubble.
Strange people hanged around the place. The enemies were also there. Does it
not remind you of how the Church of God had fallen into the hands of men and
was made captive by Mystery Babylon and her harlotry system? All that the
enemies wanted was wealth, fame and power. So, to get them they had to
destroy and conquer, and made captives the souls of believers. But then,
God's people were returning to rebuild. And they were afraid. Who would not?
Are we not also afraid when we first left Babylon to return to the Word?
But, if we people are of one mind, one spirit and in the unity of the faith,
we will be able to do what God has called us to do. We don't have to worry
about the strange people gathering around us, not even so-called Bible
Believers who claim to believe the Word. Yes, they are the adversaries of
our faith. They'll call us all kinds of names. But God is going to turn
their accusations upon their own heads.
The first thing that the children of Israel started to do when they got to
Jerusalem was to make an altar on which to offer burnt offerings to the
Lord. They offered their freewill offerings willingly. They worshipped the
Lord. They rejoiced being back in the place where God had put His Holy Name.
“But the foundation of the temple was not yet laid.”
I remember when a few brothers and I first came into the light of the
'Message of the Hour'. O how, for quite some time, we rejoiced and gave
thanks to the Lord even though we did not as yet realize the importance of
getting the foundation of the Word of Truth for this hour laid down in our
lives. (Today, the majority of the Endtime Message believers' still have not
properly laid down the foundation of the Word in their lives.) Unless
the foundation of the Word is properly laid in our lives, as an assembly of
Believers, we cannot have true temple worship. We cannot have True Word and
Spirit worship. “The true worshippers shall
worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to
worship him” (Jhn.4:23).

“And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, they
set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites the sons
of Asaph with cymbals, to praise the LORD, after the ordinance of David
king of Israel.
And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the
LORD; because he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever toward Israel.
And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the LORD,
because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.
But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers, who were
ancient men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this
house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted
aloud for joy:
So that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from
the noise of the weeping of the people: for the people shouted with a loud
shout, and the noise was heard afar off.”
– Ezra 3:10-13
Hallelujah! The foundation of the temple was then laid by Zerubbabel (Ezra
3:8; Zech.4:9). Now watch. The priests and the Levites were all dressed up
in their apparels and given trumpets and cymbals to praise the Lord. Now, as
long as the priests ministered the music harmoniously, all the children of
Israel could really sing at their best together. They sang and shouted and
danced about, praising the Lord at the top of their voices. Those old folks,
who had seen the first temple (which was built by King Solomon) and had the
knowledge that God came and filled it with His glory, cried aloud and
rejoiced. And the people could not differentiate between the crying and the
shouting. Now, that was a great joy. “Because the foundation of the house
of the Lord was laid.” Beloved, you can't really sing and shout with
true godly emotion when you don't have the truth. Sure, you can sing and
shout in a certain way the religious people do in the churches and in the
pagan temples, but without the revelation and understanding of the Truth you
can't really sing and shout in the spirit of the Lord. Until you truly
understand what you are doing and what you are worshipping you can never
really worship God in spirit and in truth.
The lives of the Israelites revolved around the temple and the temple
worship. That was why the foundation of the temple must first be laid before
they could rebuild the wall of the city to protect the temple. They had to
build a wall around the city because of the temple wherein God's presence
dwelled. The WALL, as a bulwark, served two functions: firstly, to keep all
the sacred things of God safely together inside, and secondly, to keep all
unholy and abominable things completely outside. This is a beautiful type
for the true worshippers of God in this hour. First, it shows that God's
work in our life begins from our inner being. Our inner man, our spirit, has
to be quickened and our soul reborn before our outer man can be changed. We
need to have Christ the Word of God in our heart from which the Word can
begin its work of transforming our whole person. Second, we recognize that
unless the Church of Christ has the Foundation of the True Temple — the True
Revelation of her “Zerubbabel”, Christ the Living Word — she cannot be built
as a city. Without a foundation she has nothing to build on. However, if the
Church has the Revelation of the Sacred Word then she has the foundation to
build on, and a wall will be built to protect the sacred things — the Truths
and the believing saints — and to keep out the abominable things — devilish
doctrines and false believers — from contaminating the Revelation of the
Word. The Wall of the Church is the Ascension Gifts ministry of Ephesians
4:8-16. That's the “Joshua” of our days (cf. Ezra
3:8; Hag.1:14; 2:2-9). Jeshua (or Joshua) was always seen with Zerubbabel.
Hallelujah! And the latter TEMPLE, which is spiritual, is far glorious than
the former.
In Ezra chapter 4, we see how the children of Israel were troubled by the
adversaries when they began to build the temple and the city. Subtly the
enemies came and ingratiated themselves with the children of Israel, “Let
us build with you: for we seek your God, as ye do.” But Zerubbabel and
Jeshua and the elders knew that the adversaries' motive was to hinder their
work, and they replied wisely, “Ye have nothing to do with us to build an
house unto our God; but we ourselves together will build unto the LORD God
of Israel, as king Cyrus the king of Persia hath commanded us.” Amen.
Though hampered by the enemies for many years the children of Israel
perservered with their work. Praise God! Likewise, only God's spiritual
elect of this hour themselves will build the house of the Lord as the King
of kings has decreed.
In the 1950s, when William Branham began to preach the Revelation of the
Word, his teachings were distasteful to the palates of the denominational
churches. But they loved his dishes of signs and wonders which were easy for
them to partake. But the main course of strong meat was too tough for their
Protestant and Pentecostal baby teeth. It was too contrary to their
denominational teachings and systems. They were unable to digest it.
Today, these denominational churches strongly support ecumenism —
“Let us join hands together and build.” In
the early 20th Century many of these churches were strong in their
respective faiths. They fought against the movement of the World Council of
Churches and contended for what little truths they had. Today, practically
every church is a washout. They have all been seduced by the very ecumenical
spirit that they had fought against. They are returning to the very system
they had come out of — Papistic Romanism — Mystery Babylon, the Mother of
Prostitutes. O how true is the Word of God! The Mother and daughters are
gathering together at last. O God have mercy! We are living in a day of
great apostacy. This is the hour of separation from unbelief. No wonder
God's Word calls for a total separation from unbelief (Rev.18:4-5; Heb.3-4).
Yes, the organized churches have nothing to do with us in building the House
of God. Even those Endtime Message Branhamites have nothing to do with the
True Bible Believers in building the House of God. They are an organized
denomination of unorganized people.
The hour of restoration has already come and the rebuilding has already
begun. God has restored us back to His Word. He has called us to His WORD,
the TEMPLE of the Living God. The True Revelation of Christ is the
foundation of IT. And it is around this Temple that we, the true worshippers
of God, by God's grace, are building a City with a Wall to keep IT. We don't
need any ism group to help us build. We don't even need the Branhamites to
help us build for they are also our adversaries. They are very foxy; they'll
present themselves in a comely manner like true believers, but their motive
is clearly discernible — to subvert the work and the assembly of saints and
to bring them under their ism — Branhamism.
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
(Amos 3:3). The enemies may call us a city of
“rebellious” people and the New Jerusalem we are building a “bad city” (Ezra
4:12). Obviously! Because it is not to their taste.
Like the Hebrew children, we Bible-believing Christians were once in
bondage. “And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the LORD
our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy
place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in
our bondage” (Ezra 9:8). We, who have come out of the system of Mystery
Babylon, now have
“a little space”
to get nailed down into God's Holy Word that we may be enlightened and
revived from our bondage. Thank God for extending His mercy to us (cf.
Ezra 9:9). However, we understand that only a little flock will escape from
the hold of Babylonianism.
We are now in the 21st Century. Do we have to go another decade? I hope not.
Israel has been a sovereign nation since 1948. How many more years do we
have? How many more years is God going to give to the Gentiles before He
turns to the Jews. The Bible says, “This generation shall not pass away,
till all be fulfilled” (Lk.21:32). A generation of people is about 70 to
80 years (cf. Psa.90:10). I believe that God is
going to cut short the time and will be turning to the Jews.
God has shown many signs and wonders in this Endtime. Christians know that
the time of the end is near and that Christ is coming. They expect to take
the flight in the Rapture when Jesus returns. But how can they take that
flight without preparation? There are things to 'procure' and things to 'set
in order'. We need the token of the Holy Spirit and the revelations of the
Word to be set right in our life in Christ. God has given us a message for
that purpose to prepare us for the Rapture.
We have the Message. Like the Hebrews, we must stop trespassing against the
Lord and we must stop committing spiritual fornications of His Word with the
religious traditions of men. These things are abominations in God's eyes and
He has delivered us from them (cf. Ezra
9:13-15; 10:2). If we go back to these abominable sins we would surely die
in our sins (cf. Heb.6:1-8).
God has called us back to our HOMELAND. Our homeland is not in any of the
denominational churches. Unless we come back to our HOMELAND we can never
have a TRUE TEMPLE and TRUE WORSHIP nor can we ever build a HOLY CITY.
That's the truth. But now that we are in our HOMELAND, God has also given us
the TEMPLE with ITS FOUNDATION. O how precious is the Word of the Lord!
Right now, we must build WALLS around this Word of God. We must have the
Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. What are the WALLS for? They
are needed to keep the Word of Truth and the True Believers in the
Revelation of Jesus Christ and to keep the enemies out. The holy things are
separated from the unholy things (2
Cor.6:14-7:1). God is using the Fivefold Ministry to perfect the Bride. The
message of William Branham can never perfect the Bride. His message was a
“decree” for us to separate ourselves from man-made creeds and dogmas, and
to restore us to the Word. When we are in the Word, God will raise up the
Walls around the City and perfect us within the City while keeping out all
the religious trash. Amen.
The Book of Nehemiah records history of the rebuilding of the walls of the
city Jerusalem after the temple foundation was laid. It emphasizes on the
leadership of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls “in troublous
times” (cf. Dan.9:25). [Note: The Book of Nehemiah is not a 'sequel' to
the Book of Ezra. Those who believe so follow the traditional chronology
created by Ptolemy who placed the rebuilding of the walls some 60 to 70
years after the temple was completed and dedicated. (If the walls were not
being built at the same time, what was there to prevent the adversaries from
destroying the temple?) They have assumed the Artaxerxes of Nehemiah 2:1 to
be the third or fourth Persian king to rule Medo-Persia after Cyrus. In
contrast to Josephus, the Jewish historian, who gave only six kings, Ptolemy
estimated that there were at least a total of ten kings from Cyrus to
Xerxes, whose chronological positions were even questioned, and some time,
reshuffled by other historians. These kings altogether reigned a total
period of 205 years. But according to Jewish and Persian traditions, they
were slightly over 50 years. The Bible, however, shows us that there were
four more kings after Cyrus; the fourth being Xerxes who fought the Grecians
(Dan.10:1; 11:2). The names Ahasuerus, Darius and Artaxerxes are all
appellatives like the name Pharaoh and were used by the different kings of
“The words of Nehemiah the son of
Hachaliah. And it came to pass in the month Chisleu, in the twentieth
year, as I was in Shushan the palace,
That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of Judah; and I
asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the
captivity, and concerning Jerusalem.
And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in
the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem
also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.
And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept,
and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of
– Nehemiah 1:1-4
The enemies had come and broken down the walls around the city of Jerusalem.
They had also burnt the gates. As a result there were many breaches along
the walls. When Nehemiah, who was the cupbearer to the Persian King in the
palace of Shushan, heard the tragic news about the city of Jerusalem, he was
so concerned that he fasted and prayed for several days. (Nehemiah often
responded to problems with prayer.) Convinced of the promise of God in His
restoration of Jerusalem, Nehemiah was thus concerned to seek for its
fulfillment. (Likewise, we ought to fast and pray for God's Truth to be
revealed to us in this hour.) His heart was crying out for the walls of
Jerusalem to be restored that he was willing to give up his comfortable and
stately position in the palace to return to his homeland to rally the people
to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. Nehemiah typified our Lord Jesus Christ
who left His glorious position in Heaven to come and serve His people. Like
Jesus, he was made a governor of his people.
After a night survey of the city and the extent of the damage of its walls,
Nehemiah began to share his vision with his people to encourage and inspire
them to rebuild the walls: “Ye see the distress that we are in, how
Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and
let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach”
(Neh.2:17). “So they strengthened their hands for this good work”
So, the small group of people of Israel got together and began to rebuild
the walls. How ridiculous they must have appeared in the eyes of the world
around them — a small number of Jews trying to rebuild those huge walls of
the city of Jerusalem! Nevertheless, they knew God was on their side. When
the devilish trinity of Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem mocked and ridiculed
them, Nehemiah replied, “The God of heaven,
he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye
have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem”
Hallelujah! The HOLY CITY of God must not remain in a disgraceful state! The
religious Nicolaitane Babylonish spirit has broken the FOUNDATION of the
GOSPEL TRUTH and caused it to lie in ruins for too long. But now that the
FOUNDATION of the TEMPLE is laid, the WALLS of the HOLY CITY must be built
up! Amen! But why is there a need to build the walls? Because our “Nehemiah”
is concerned about the HOLY CITY. The WALLS are needed to protect the HOLY
CITY from the adversaries' sneak attacks. They are needed to keep the sacred
things of God in so that they will not be profaned or broken apart again to
cause the sheep to scatter. You and I, who are the true elect with the token
of the Holy Spirit, are part of that HOLY CITY. Therefore, we have a
responsibility for rebuilding the WALLS of the HOLY CITY and bring glory to
God and restore the reality and power of God's presence among His people. We
must be dedicated to the task and be willing to work hard to accomplish the
purposes of God. So “arise and build” and set the things of God in
order that we will not be a reproach. Thus Saith the Lord.
Let us remember that, in this Endtime RESTORATION OF THE WORD, there are
many sinful shepherds who shall have no part in the rebuilding of the walls.
They are a cursed lot who is not worthy of the Gospel much less being
preachers. They exploit the sheep in their folds and enrich themselves at
the expense of their sheep. They care not for their sheep. Instead of
feeding their sheep with spiritual food in due season from the ABSOLUTE
SCRIPTURES of the Lord God, they simply feed them with a basketful of SERMON
QUOTES of William Branham. Let's read what the Lord told Ezekiel to prophesy
in his days.
“The word of the LORD came to me:
Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to
them: This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel
who only take care of themselves! Should not shepherds take care of the
You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the
choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock.
You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the
injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost.
You have ruled them harshly and brutally.
So they were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were
scattered they became food for all the wild animals.
My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were
scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them.
Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD:
As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, because my flock lacks a
shepherd and so has been plundered and has become food for all the wild
animals, and because my shepherds did not search for my flock but cared
for themselves rather than for my flock,
Therefore, O shepherds, hear the word of the LORD:
This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against the shepherds and will
hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the
flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue
my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them.
For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I myself will search for my
sheep and look after them.
As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so
will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where
they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.
I will bring them out from the nations and gather them from the countries,
and I will bring them into their own land. I will pasture them on the
mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in all the settlements in the
I will tend them in a good pasture, and the mountain heights of Israel
will be their grazing land. There they will lie down in good grazing land,
and there they will feed in a rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.
I myself will tend my sheep and have them lie down, declares the Sovereign
I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the
injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will
destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice."
– Ezekiel 34:1-16
Praise the Lord! He's going to rescue His sheep from the snares of these
evil shepherds and to bring them back to the Homeland where He will feed
them rich Manna by the hand of ONE SHEPHERD — OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, Jesus
Christ. He will judge every evil shepherd, even other sheep, rams and goats
that get into the fold and pollute the clear clean water of the pasture to
the detriment of the weaker sheep.
“As for you, my flock, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will judge
between one sheep and another, and between rams and goats.
Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also
trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you
to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?
Must my flock feed on what you have trampled and drink what you have
muddied with your feet?
Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says to them: See, I myself will
judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep.
Because you shove with flank and shoulder, butting all the weak sheep with
your horns until you have driven them away,
I will save my flock, and they will no longer be plundered. I will judge
between one sheep and another.
I will place over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he will tend
them; he will tend them and be their shepherd.
I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David will be prince among
them. I the LORD have spoken.
– Ezekiel 34:17-24
In Nehemiah chapter 3, we have a record of the builders of the wall and the
names of the gates that were repaired. There were ten gates. Spiritually,
these gates reflect the life of Christ and the people in the Church — the
New Jerusalem.
“sheep gate” (v.1) speaks of Christ as the Lamb of God and the Good
Shepherd Who came to seek His sheep that were lost (Isa.53:7;
Jhn.1:29;10:11). The “fish gate” (v.3) speaks of the saved ones as
“fishers of men” (Matt.4:19; Prov.11:30). The “old gate” (v.6) speaks
both of the old nature that is crucified and the choice of walking in the
good old pathway of righteousness to find rest for one's soul (Rom.6:1-23;
Jer.6:16). The “valley gate” (v.13) speaks of humility, suffering and
testing (Phil.2: 3-4; 2 Cor.1:3-5). The
“dung gate” (v.14) speaks of the Believers' need to keep clean from all
filthiness of the flesh (Gal.5:16-21; 2 Cor.7:1).
“gate of the fountain” (v.15) speaks of the Holy Spirit filling His
people (Jhn.7:37-39; Eph.5:18b). The “water gate” (v.26) speaks of
the constant need for the Word of God (Jhn.4:10-14; Eph.5:26; 2 Tim.2:15).
The “horse gate” (v.28) speaks of the Believers' warfare and the good
fight of faith (Eph.6:10-18; 2 Tim.2:3; 4:7).
The “east gate” (v.29) speaks of the Son of Righteousness and His
return (Mal.4:2; Ezek.43:1-2). And finally, the “gate Miphkad” (v.31)
speaks of the saints' assignment and appointment before the Judgment Seat of
Christ and their reign with Christ in the Age of Regeneration (2 Cor.5:10;
1 Cor.3:9-15; Rev.5:10).
Now, the wall was being built. The adversaries were furious and very
indignant. “What do these feeble Jews? will they fortify themselves? will
they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones
out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned?” (Neh.4:2b). “Even
that which they build, if a fox go up, he shall even break down their stone
wall” (Neh.4:3b). They ridiculed and scorned the Jews: “What do these
miserable Jews think they're doing, rebuilding the huge wall of the ruined
city out of heaps of burnt rubble? Ridiculous! How strong could it be? Even
a fox could knock it down! Will they offer their sacrifices again?
However, what is impossible with men is possible with God. In spite of the
ridicule, the wall was soon half its intended height all around the city. It
seemed to be an impossible task, but the work progressed well because the
people set their hearts and minds on accomplishing the task. From the very
beginning of the task, Nehemiah constantly prayed for God's help. The Jews
were there in Jerusalem to rebuild what was once their glorious city, and to
reconstruct the wall to protect their most precious possession — the temple.
Yes, they were able to offer their sacrifices again. They completed the work
of rebuilding the wall in spite of strong opposition and threats of attack
by the adversaries who had vowed to “come in the midst among them, and
slay them, and cause the work to cease” (Neh.4:11). They trusted God and
at the same time kept vigilant WATCH over what had been entrusted to them.
God was in their midst to protect for them. Nobody could stop the WORK of
God. Nobody could fight the WORD of God. “Every one with one of his hands
wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon. For the
builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded”
(Neh.4:17b-18a). Hallelujah! The WORK and WORD (WEAPON) of God go hand in
hand. Read Nehemiah 4:4-23.
When the Early Church fell into the hands of wicked men, the WALL (MINISTRY)
was broken down and the people of God were taken captives into Mystery
Babylon for a millennium of spiritual darkness. However, when God sent the
Reformers, the people of God began to receive the LIGHT but the WALL was not
properly built up as the CHURCH was much involved with rituals and politics.
There were too many breaches and the enemies kept sneaking in. This
condition persisted until the second “Elijah” of Malachi 4:5-6 came to turn
the heart of the children of God to the Faith of their Apostolic fathers.
Beloved, God has a WALL built up in this hour for the Church which has
returned to her Homeland where her TRUE TEMPLE (OF GOD'S WORD) is. God has
also has SET A WATCH to protect that SACRED WORD and His saints. There are
no breaches in the WALL for the enemies to sneak in to fluster the people
with false teachings and cause disorder in the assembly. Every SEED-WORD
child of God needs to have the breaches in his life closed up, or else the
Devil will slip in and cause chaos to his life. Amen. We need to have the
breaches in our live.
I believe the WALL of the New Jerusalem is built up. And our “Nehemiah” has
placed WATCHMEN at strategic locations along the WALL. Although the WALL is
finished, it is not perfect. God is still working on perfecting the FIVEFOLD
MINISTRY which is the WALL of the Holy City. He is still enhancing the WALL
and reinforcing the WATCH over it even as the Bride presses on towards
perfection. He is leading the ministry to a place where the Spirit of God
will have total pre-eminence in the watchmen's lives for the perfection of
the saints. The Ascension Gifts will be under the full control of the Holy
Spirit and will demonstrate the Revelation of the Spirit, as they did in the
first two decades of the Early Church.
[Note: The word “perfecting” means “complete furnishing”. That
is, the saints, under the present Fivefold Ministry, will be thoroughly
shaped and equipped by God. This is a continuous process. In Hebrews 6:1,
Paul used the word “perfection” to denote its consummation. That's
why he said not to “lay again”. In simple terms, it means “don't
stay put and keep going over the same things you have learned, but move on
to something else until we are completely consummated in Christ Jesus.”]
Notice. On the wall of the Jerusalem, every watchman and builder had a
weapon in one hand while they worked with the other. Amen. A true servant of
God always carries THE SWORD OF THE LORD in his hand as he carries out the
WORK OF GOD. THE SWORD OF THE LORD is THE WORD — “For the word of God is
quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to
the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and
is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Heb.4:12
cf. Rev.1:16). And, our “Nehemiah” is the DIRECTOR of the WORK
(cf.Neh.4:18-20). He is the only One who is able to give the proper sound of
the trumpet. Amen. A man is a liar who claims that God has called him to the
wall but only carries with him a compilation of 'Sermon Quotes' of William
Branham or any other persons. It's either THE SACRED (S)WORD OF GOD or not
at all! “For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare
himself to the battle?” (1 Cor.14:8).
No matter how much one desires to be, if God has not called him, he cannot
make himself a minister of the Gospel. There is order in the House of God.
Amen. In the Fivefold Ministry, not everyone has the same measure of faith
in any given ministry. We cannot compare one apostle to another apostle, or
judge a ministry by another. We could and should check, by the Scriptures,
whether a ministry is scriptural or not. The Scriptures is the only standard
by which we can judge a ministry (cf. Acts 11:1-18). We should have enough
God-given spirit and common sense to recognize the true ministry of God and
to receive it (cf. Jhn.6: 28-29). A man, who is called to stand for the Word
of God, is not going to spare the feelings of other people, especially those
who go about distorting the truth. Open rebuke and reproof are often
necessary (cf. Eph.6:19-20; 2 Tim.4:2; Tit.1:13; 2:15). The Holy Spirit,
through the leaders in the church, disciplines the people with the Word. The
Word judges everyone whether the cleric or the congregation. There is no
hierarchy in the church.
“So we laboured in the work: and half of them held the spears from the
rising of the morning till the stars appeared.
Likewise at the same
time said I unto the people, Let every one with his servant lodge within
Jerusalem, that in the night they may be a guard to us, and labour on the
– Nehemiah 4:21-22
Beloved, you are not protected from your adversary the devil, who as a
roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet.5:8) if you do
not stay within the Wall of the City of God. Demons cannot penetrate the
Wall of true fellowship which the Lord has assigned guards to constantly
watch over the souls of them that dwell therein. Paul said, “Obey them
that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your
souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not
with grief: for that is unprofitable for you” (Heb.13:17). How can
believers be protected if they keep away from the assembly and fellowship
within the Wall of the City of God?
When the adversaries knew that the wall of Jerusalem was almost complete,
they planned to harm Nehemiah, the leader of the people. They had tried,
many times, to distract Nehemiah and divert his energies from rebuilding the
wall by inviting him to their 'convention'. Nehemiah rejected their
invitations because he was able to discern their real motives. Amen, for how
can two walk together unless they agree? Read Nehemiah 6:1-4. And when the
adversaries failed in their efforts to stop the construction of the wall,
they tried a new approach, centering their attacks on Nehemiah's character.
They attacked him personally with rumours: “It is reported among the
heathen, and Gashmu saith it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel: for
which cause thou buildest the wall, that thou mayest be their king,
according to these words. And thou hast also appointed prophets to preach of
thee at Jerusalem, saying, There is a king in Judah: and now shall it be
reported to the king according to these words. Come now therefore, and let
us take counsel together” (Neh.6:6-7).
O, the craftiness of the enemies! Such is the subtilty of many Branhamites!
Many of them have tried to invite me to their so-called Bible Conventions.
Many of them have attacked me with rumours and false reports that
“Brother Gan has made himself the 8th messenger. Like Brother – –, he has
put himself above Brother Branham. He has compromised the Word”. Such
innuendoes and rumours are aimed at causing misunderstandings and confusions
among the believers who have returned to the FOUNDATION. They are also using
these same rumours to put fear in the truth-seekers in their own assemblies
to prevent them from leaving their Branhamite organizations. And like
Nehemiah, I could sincerely say unto them, “There are no such things done
as thou sayest, but thou feignest them out of thine own heart”
(Neh.6:8). They have fabricated them out of their evil hearts. Several
hireling 'prophets' of poor nations, who regularly receive a certain sum of
money from their sponsors in rich nations like U.S.A., Canada and Europe,
have even 'prophesied' against me and attacked me with evil reports. But,
praise be to God! He is a Righteous Judge who will judge the evil hearts.
“So the wall was finished…”
And Nehemiah appointed rulers/guards from among the residents of Jerusalem
“every one in his watch, and every one to be over against his house”
(Neh.7:3b). Likewise, our “Nehemiah” has also appointed watchmen from their
own places and assigned them to look after their own local assemblies in the
New Jerusalem. Amen.
“Now the city was large and great: but
the people were few therein, and the houses were not builded”
(Neh.7:4). To paraphrase, this verse
reads “Now the city was large and spacious: but there were few people
living in it because not many houses had been built yet (that is, more
houses could be built).” Yes, the Holy City New Jerusalem is also a
large and spacious City and our Lord is building more houses in it — “In
my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told
you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for
you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there
ye may be also” (Jhn.14:2-3). Jesus is still preparing houses for those
who are willing to come into the New Jerusalem.
After the appointment of leaders from among the people, the children of
Israel gathered themselves “as one man” and asked “Ezra the scribe
to bring out the book of the law of Moses” and read to them. Beloved, it
is not surprising that after so long in captivity when they could hardly get
a chance to hear the Word of God for seventy years, they had the yearning to
hear the Word again. During all those years in captivity, all they knew were
some traditions mixed with Babylonish ideologies. How could they know what
was in the Book of the Law of God when they (except for the very elderly
ones) had never heard it read? Finally, they had the opportunity to hear the
Word. Yes, and they listened attentively to the Word of God.
“And he read therein before the
street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday,
before the men and the women, and those that could understand; and the
ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law.”
– Nehemiah 8:3
If the wall wasn't finished, the people would certainly be unable to come
together and listen to the Word. Why? Because of their enemies. But with the
wall built, they were safe within the city from enemy attack. Likewise, in
this Endtime Age, God has the WALL of His Holy City (Bride Church) raised
up. Unless we have the revelation of the importance of this WALL and what
God is doing in this hour of time we will never be able to really settle
down to understand the Word of God.
Yes, God has given us a Prophet-Messenger, William Branham, with a message
to bring us back to the Word. We have the Foundation of the Temple of the
Word of God before us. Remember, we cannot approach God without His Word.
Jesus said, “No man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (Jhn.14:6).
You cannot approach God without coming through His Temple — Christ Jesus,
the Living Word. The Word of God is the Shekinah Glory of God. The Word that
came forth from God in the beginning was God and was made flesh 2,000 years
ago. The Invisible God became the Visible God. The great majority of
Christians are lost in the various denominational traditions, thinking they
could approach God in their own ways and on their own terms. Every
denomination claims to have the Word, but when they mix traditions with the
Word they can never approach God and worship Him in Spirit and in truth; for
God is seeking such to worship Him (Jhn.4:23). The Bible said that “God
is light, and in him is no darkness [tradition] at all” (1 Jhn.1:5).
Saints of God, we have been brought back to the Word by the Message and the
Wall has been built. The WALL is the Work the Holy Spirit is doing through
the Fivefold Ministry. It is to safeguard the sacred things — the Word and
the True Worshippers of God — from the wicked works of the Evil One. As Eve
was seduced by the Serpent before Adam could get to know her, the Early
Church was also seduced and bewitched by the Enemy before Christ could bring
her to perfection. The Church then went through a time of purging. With the
Reformation, the Light began to pave the way for the operation of the Gifts
of the Spirit and the sounding of the Message — “to turn the heart of the
children to their fathers”. When the hearts of the children of God are
turned to their fathers, then it is time for them to sit and learn their
Apostolic Fathers' Faith. And, this can only be achieved by the Apostolic
WATCHMEN who are assigned to the Wall of the Fivefold Ministry. Without true
revelation of the WALL, many Christians have misinterpreted the purpose and
position of the different ministries of the Ascension Gifts. Hence, strange
doctrines abound.
“And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people; (for he was
above all the people;) and when he opened it, all the people stood up:
And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God. And all the people answered,
Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads, and
worshipped the LORD with their faces to the ground.
Also Jeshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah,
Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites,
caused the people to understand the law: and the people stood in their
So they read in the book in the law of God
distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.
And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha, and Ezra the priest the scribe, and
the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day is
holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept,
when they heard the words of the law.
Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and
send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy
unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your
So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace, for the
day is holy; neither be ye grieved.
And all the people went their way to eat, and to drink, and to send
portions, and to make great mirth, because they had understood the words
that were declared unto them."
– Nehemiah 8:5-12
“Ezra opened the book in the sight of
all the people.” Amen.
There is no substitute for THE BOOK!
A Gospel minister of God must open the Word of God in the presence of the
congregation of God's people and preach from it. He must not only read from
the Word of God, but must give a clear and detailed explanation of it so
that the people could understand it. Supposing Ezra was 'a walking Bible'
and could recite the law of Moses without opening the book. Would the people
be moved with emotion? Would they respond with the same intensity of
feeling? Definitely not. But when Ezra opened the Sacred Book of the law of
God in the sight of all the people, they all stood up; they all lifted their
hands; and they all bowed down and worshipped the Lord with their faces to
the ground! “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth
understanding unto the simple” (Psa.119:130). That's right. And besides
Ezra, the rulers and leaders of Jerusalem also “read in the book in the
law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the
reading”. O how the Jews went about rejoicing when they heard the Word!
They rejoiced even more because they understood the Word of God.
Just as the denominations have their man-appointed and man-ordained
ministers, the Endtime Message Movement has many self-appointed ministers.
Some are 'loners', or 'drifters' — the 'come and go' preachers — who stand
alone and do not associate with any assembly of believers. A Word-loving
pastor should never let such 'ministers' pollute his pulpit. All these
'ministers' are a divided lot. Some of them preach only from the Sermon
Books of William Branham while the others are often unable to make any sense
of the subject they try to preach from the Bible. These are the foolish
laborers who do not have the divine calling to handle the Fire of God's
Word. They have neither the Spirit nor the Truth of the Word. They often
leave their hearers more confused than enlightened. Saints, you ought “to
know them which labour among you” (1 Thess.5:12). Avoid such preachers
for “the labour of the foolish wearieth
every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to THE CITY”
(Eccle.10:15). However, a God-called minister will not hasten to preach and
teach the Word until he has a revelation of the Word as inspired by the
Spirit. The Word must be rightly divided “for precept must be upon
precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a
little, and there a little” (Isa.28:10 cf. 2 Tim.2:15).

The watchmen of Israel were strategically placed on the walls of the city.
Some found themselves on higher position than others because the city of
Jerusalem was built on hilly land. There were also several watch-towers at
certain strategic sections along the wall. These watchtowers were vantage
points from where principal watchmen, who were placed there, could 'look
out' to the farthest possible distance for any approaching danger. The
moment the enemies were seen sneaking up against the city, these principal
watchmen would sound the trumpet. As the warning sound echoed along and
around the wall, through the other watchmen, all the citizens would be
alerted and readied for battle.
Now, all these watchmen are a type of the ministers of the Fivefold
Ministry, which is the WALL of the City New Jerusalem. Five is the number of
God's Grace. We have five fingers on each hand. The Fivefold Ministry is
therefore God's gift and grace to His Church. It is short of nothing. Jesus
Christ has placed men of different gifts in different positions within the
Fivefold Ministry — some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelist, some
Pastors and some Teachers. This is God's perfect order in the Ministry.
There are also different levels of anointing among similar gifts — some
hundredfold, some eighty-fold, some sixty-fold, some forty-fold and some
twenty-fold. Each of them is responsible for watching over the souls of the
saints of God to keep them from sneaky and deceptive attacks of the
Adversary of God. But the principal watchmen on the Wall/Ministry are the
Apostles, followed by the prophets. “For the gifts and calling of God are
without repentance” (Rom.11:29).
God gives gifts to men whom He calls into the Church for the perfection of
the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of
Christ (cf. Eph.4:4-16). No special
qualifications are stated in the Scriptures for one who is called into the
Fivefold Ministry (or Ascension Gifts). God knows how to equip those whom He
calls into His ministry. The gifts of God are divinely ordained before the
foundation of the world. Whom God calls, God will surely supply all his
The qualifications laid down by Paul in 1 Timothy
3:1-13 and Titus 1:7-9 for Bishops and Deacons do not apply to ministers in
the Fivefold Ministry. Bishops (or Elders) and Deacons are positions of
leadership appointed by the Apostles to serve in the local churches.
Normally more than one Elder is appointed to oversee the flock in each
assembly. The ministry of Elders is restricted to their respective local
assembly. There may, or may not, be a God-ordained Pastor in a local
assembly. Many people tend to think that Elders are Pastors. Not all Elders
are Pastors, although all Pastors are Elders. A Pastor is a gift within the
Ascension Gifts Ministry. An Elder is appointed by the minister(s) of the
Ascension Gifts Ministry (cf. Tit.1:5).
All true ministers of God are ordained of God and sent to perform the
different functions in the Works of God. Pastors/Shepherds are called to
feed and care for the flocks. The Teachers teach the Word of God. A teacher
does not shepherd an assembly unless he is also an ordained pastor. A
pastor, who is a shepherd, also teaches the Word. Evangelists bring or
proclaim the 'Good News'. Because they move about from place to place to
proclaim the Gospel of Christ, evangelists do not usually shepherd an
assembly. The Apostles are sent forth, not only to preach the Gospel, but
also to set the Church in order according to the Word of God, to establish
the believers on the foundation of the Word and to defend the Truth of the
Word (1 Cor.11:34b; Eph.2:20; Rom.1:11;
15:17-20; Phil.1:7,17). The doctrines of the Bible are also called the
doctrine of the apostles (Acts 1:1-3; 2;42).
The prophets have the gift of prophecies and some other spiritual gifts.
They are also teachers of the Word (Acts 13:1;
15:32). They edify, exhort and confirm (i.e. to support further; to set
steadfast) the teachings of God's Word and His Work. They may also bring
personal messages and interpret dreams. The apostles and prophets are the
plumb-line holders of the Word.
[Note: Many people tend to think that when a man is called into the
ministry, his wife is also called. This is a tradition of the organized
church with no basis in the Bible. The only ministry that God gives to a
minister's wife (and any Christian's wife) is that of a good housewife. She
is no different from the other believing women in the church, except that
she be accorded proper respect as a minister's wife.]
Today, the Christian denominations are divided over the existence and roles
of apostles and prophets in this Endtime. Some fundamentalists and
evangelicals teach that the apostles and prophets were used of Christ only
in the beginning of the Church to lay the foundations of the Church, and
with the completion of the canon of the New Testament, the apostolic and
prophetic ministries ceased. On the other hand, the Pentecostal and
Charismatic movements have many apostles and prophets who pride themselves
on their complete understanding, or revelation, of the Bible. Sincere
Christians who follow such apostles and prophets are at the mercy of their
authoritarian leadership and fanciful interpretations of the Scriptures.
Unlike the Bereans (cf. Acts 17:10-11), they are often gullible and careless
about the Scriptures to detect any unbiblical teaching. Therefore, these
Christians are easily misled into a cultic direction.
Many books have been written about the Fivefold Ministry and the respective
roles of the five 'Ministry' offices. The views of the writers vary
depending upon their religious affiliations. Even in the Endtime Message
Movement, the believers' views of the Fivefold Ministry also vary depending
on their understanding of the 'Message'. The majority of them, especially
the Branhamites, are vague in their understanding of this subject as they
tend to rely only on the statements of William Branham. They believe that
Bro. Branham alone held all the five offices of the Fivefold Ministry and
that there was absolute authority in all his oral words which should not be
questioned or judged. These believers also blatantly claim that there is
nothing in the Scriptures that has not been revealed by Bro. Branham and
that the answers to all Biblical and life questions can be found in his
sermons. When they say to you, “Check it out with the Word”, they are
actually telling you to check it out with the words of Bro. Branham instead
of the Holy Scriptures. They are literally making him their pope.
Regardless of what have been written and said, the fact remains — that
Christ Jesus “gave gifts unto men… And he gave some, apostles; and some,
prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the
perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of
the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the
stature of the fulness of Christ” (Eph.4:8,11-13; cf. 1 Cor.11:28).
Nothing can alter the simplicity of God's ministry in His Church no matter
what. The organized churches may have their pompous hierarchical cleric
system but the true worshippers will walk in the light of the humble
ministry that is ordained of God to prepare the elect for the return of
As have been shown earlier, the MESSAGE of William Branham is a type of
DECREE issued to call spiritual Israel back to her HOMELAND — THE WORD OF
GOD — where she would be BUILT UP as a CITY for the glory of the Lord. Those
who obey the DECREE are now under the leadership of “Nehemiah” — our Lord
Jesus Christ who directs the building of the WALL (the MINISTRY) and set the
WATCHMEN (the MINISTERS) in their respective offices — “till we all come
in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a
perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That
we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness,
whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may
grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom
the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint
supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part,
maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love”
The DECREE (MESSAGE) of the prophet-messenger, William M. Branham, does not
perfect the Bride. The Bride must heed the DECREE and return to her HOMELAND
where the WALL of the New Jerusalem will protect and keep her as she LEARNS
OF HER FATHERS' FAITH. Only then can she “earnestly contend for the faith
which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3b)
and be perfected. (Noah's message is a perfect type. Noah's message was a
'decree' of God's judgement on the world. Merely believing in the message
could not save the believer; he must also obey the message and enter the ark
to be saved.)
Much of what William Branham had said about 'prophet(s)' has been
misinterpreted by many in the Endtime Message Movement. In the Old Testament
time, God used a 'one man' ministry — the prophets — to proclaim His Word, a
choice made after the event at Mount Sinai. Read Exodus 19-20. Each of the
holy prophets reflected and manifested in part THE PROPHET whom God promised
to send to His people Israel to redeem them. “The LORD thy God will raise
up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto
me; unto him ye shall hearken” (Deut.18:15). That was why the Word of
the Lord came only to the prophets. The prophets were the spokesmen of God,
with a definite message, for their days. They boldly pronounced the Word of
God and prophetic utterances with “Thus saith the Lord”. They were
also seers who were given open visions foretelling coming events. Bro.
Branham was such a prophet who brought a definite message for this age. That
was why he often said, “The Word of the Lord comes only to the prophet.”
He spoke like one and identified himself as one with the spirit of Elijah,
one of the Old Testament prophets. However, the New Testament prophets rank
lower in authority than the apostles. “And God hath set some in the
church, first apostles, secondarily prophets…” (1 Cor.12:28).
Apostle Paul even requested those who were prophets to acknowledge his
revelations — “If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual,
let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the
commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant”
(1 Cor.14:37-38).
In the Old Testament period the holy prophets were God's spokesmen. The Word
of the Lord came to the prophets. But in the Grace Age, a new administrative
order has been introduced and the apostolic ministry is placed above that of
the prophetic ministry. The Word now comes to the apostles. The Old
Testament prophets uttered Christ (cf. Deut.18: 15-18; Acts 3:22-25) but the
New Testament apostles revealed Christ — as the SENT ONE. Even Jesus Christ
was designated as THE APOSTLE instead of THE PROPHET in the Church of the
Living God — “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly
calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ
Jesus” (Heb.3:1).
The Greek word for “apostle” is “apostello” which means
“one who is sent”. But the Lord did not send the apostles only, He also
sent all the other ministers — prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
It is important to understand the Apostolic office. [Note: All apostles are
missionaries but not all missionaries are apostles.] The Evangelical
Christians, who fight hard against Charismaticism, hold the view that an
apostle must not only be an eye witness of Christ (cf. Acts 1:22; 1 Cor.9:1)
but must possess miraculous power of healing that will heal anybody who
comes to him for healing (cf. Acts 5:15-16; 2 Cor.12:12). Knowing that
visions of Jesus Christ, such as the one experienced by Apostle Paul, could
be experienced by some Christians, they strain at a gnat and swallow a camel
with such Scriptures as Acts 5:15-16 and 2 Corinthians 12:12. These texts do
not conclusively prove that every one of the apostles demonstrated the power
of healing and healed every sick person brought before them. [Note: There
were other apostles besides the Twelve. Read Acts 8:1,14; 16:4 — the Twelve
in Jerusalem and other apostles, cf. Acts 14:4,14; Rom.16:7; 1 Thess.1:1,6.]
Our Lord Jesus, known among the Jews to be a great prophet (and Whom we know
to be the Prophet of all prophets, and the Apostle of our profession), did
not heal every sick person He came in contact with. John the Baptist, also a
great prophet, did not even perform a single miracle or healing. How then do
we recognize a true prophet? By which performance standard of the Old
Testament prophets do we expect a true prophet to display? Moses? Jonah? or
Many Christians seem to think that, to change the world, God has to send
apostles and prophets with great signs and wonders. Such Christians, who are
preoccupied with signs and wonders, are in danger of having their faith
shattered. False apostles and false prophets, like Jannes and Jambres of
old, could also perform signs and wonders. But, would signs and wonders
really convert the world to Christ? It is doubtful that signs and wonders
will cause the people of the world to change their lives and to walk in the
saving light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, they may only
heighten their carnality. Acts 14:8-19 and Exodus 32:1-7 contain two
examples. What they really need is to receive the pure unadulterated Word of
the Living God, clearly expounded to them, without It being cloaked in vague
theological terms, that they may be convinced that salvation can be found
only in the saving grace of CHRIST.
Basically the APOSTLES have two important tasks — founding of churches of
God and setting the Church of God in order according to the revelation of
the Word. Only some of the First Century Apostles were inspired of God to
write the New Testament documents — 'new' revelations of truths
hidden in the Old Testament books. Half of the original Twelve Apostles
did not have any written contribution to the New Testament Scriptures. The
activities of many of them are not recorded in detail in the Scriptures.
But, that did not make any of them less of an apostle than Paul, Peter or
With the completion of the canon of the Scriptures, 'new' revelations
ceased. Whoever preaches any other Gospel, adds to or takes away from
the Word of Life, is accursed (cf. Gal.1:8-9; Rev.22:18). Through
time, some of the revelations were 'lost' as churches began to
organize under the headship of men who introduced traditions into their
groups. In this Endtime age, these 'lost' revelations are being 'restored'.
The utterances of the Old Testament prophets contained prophetic revelation
of Israel's coming Messiah. The people of Israel did not understand the
prophecies. Even the prophets themselves could not fully comprehend the
works and the purposes of God. John the Baptist was the last of the Old
Testament prophets. “The law and the prophets were until John: since that
time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it”
(Lk.16:16). He came to proclaim the 'Good News' of God — the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was to herald a New Order of God for the
human race, beginning with the New Birth. But when John and Jesus came upon
the scene, except for a few Jews, the people were unable to recognize them.
Israel, as a whole, failed to recognize the fulfillment of the Old Testament
prophecies in the two men.
When Jesus started His ministry He chose twelve disciples, trained and
anointed them as apostles. After His resurrection, He ordered them to tarry
in Jerusalem so that they might receive power from above, and that the Holy
Spirit would guide them into all things and bring to their remembrance all
things that they had learnt (cf. Acts 1:1-8; Jhn.14:26). So, on the Day of
Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they started to speak in
tongues, and the common people were confounded and accused them of being
drunk with wine. However, Peter, who was not an intellectual person but a
simple fisherman, possessing the keys to the Kingdom of God (Matt.16:18-19),
stood up boldly to preach and proclaim to his hearers his revelation of what
was taking place. He set in order the things of God that were being
manifested. He quoted and explained to them the Old Testament scriptures
concerning the prophetic utterances of Joel and King David. Read Acts
chapter 2.
If no apostle was present, nobody would have understood what was going on.
It took an apostle to interpret and set in order the Scriptures,
and said, “THIS IS THAT which was spoken by the prophet Joel.” It
took an apostle to answer the people's question, “What shall we do to be
saved?” Peter, by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, knew precisely what
to tell them: “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of
Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the
Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all
that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call” (Acts
2:38-39). It took an apostle to understand that the NAME “of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt.28:19b) was the NAME of “Lord
Jesus Christ” (cf. Act 8:12,16; 10:48; 19:5).
Today, we need the apostles to break down the walls of confusion surrounding
the Endtime Message churches by setting in order the Word of God that
William Branham pointed out in his message. We need apostles to help
believers establish their faith in the foundation of the true temple that
they will truly become citizens of the Holy City of God. Remember Abraham —
“For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is
God” (Heb.11:10). We do not need any more 'new' revelation, for there
is none. All the revelations of God have been penned down in Scriptures by
the Original Apostles of Christ. But there are 'mysteries' which are not
fully understood — these will be fully understood in due course through the
revelation of the Endtime apostles of God.
The early Church “continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and
fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42).
But today, many Endtime Message believers are sticking steadfastly to the
Prophet Branham's statements/quotes just as the nominal Christians do with
their respective denominational dogmatic doctrines.
The apostle's doctrine is a set of beliefs, concerning the hidden mysteries
in the Old Testament writings, that the first century apostles had laid down
and set in order for the believers (cf. Eph.3:9-10;
Col.1:25-27; Rom.16:25-26). Because of the ways they were uttered or written
by the prophets, few understood the prophetic revelations of the Spirit.
But, when the Lord Jesus placed the apostolic gift above the prophetic gift,
the Word of the Lord came to the apostles and they expounded the scriptures
and revealed the mysteries. The apostles were, and still are, anointed and
specially equipped by God to handle His Word.
Like the thumb, which is more outstanding and important than the other four
fingers of a hand, the Apostolic Ministry is still the main ministry that
God uses in this Endtime to hold the plumbline of the Word. The Foundation
which the first century apostles had laid is the same one that the Endtime
apostles are getting the Bible Believers to build upon. The denominational
churches have 'shattered' this True Foundation throughout the ages by their
creeds, dogmas and traditions. In other words, they have gradually moved
away from the True Foundation as they build on creeds, dogmas and man's
ideas which have become their foundation. Right in these last days, many
Endtime Message churches, too, do not have a proper foundation or have a
'shattered' one at best. The condition is caused by adding to, or taking
away from, the Sacred Word and substituting the statements/quotes of Bro.
Branham for the Word.
Although William Branham did, in a certain sense, perform the work of the
various offices of the Fivefold Ministry, he did not belong to the
order of Ephesians 4:11.
Bro. Branham himself believed in a Fivefold Ministry that will perfect the
Bride of Christ. Yet, there are many Endtime Message believers who insist
that Branham's messages (about 2,000 on magnetic tapes) will perfect them.
Some even choose to go against Apostle Paul's admonition by refusing to
assemble themselves with fellow believers (Heb.10:25) but choose to stay at
home and listen to the sermon tapes once or twice a week. A ONE-MAN MINISTRY
has never been ordained of God to perfect His people. If it was ever so, it
would have taken place in the Early Church. Yet, we see Paul, Peter, John,
James and many others co-ministering in the Early Church.
William Branham was sent of God with the “spirit of Elijah” to
fulfill the second part of the prophecy of Malachi 4:5-6. He was the
“star” (messenger) of Revelation 3:14 and 10:7. In God's will, he was
born into a poor family and was uneducated. Therefore, his vocabulary was
limited. Inevitably, words were often misused, or their usage incongruous or
inconsistent with the thought he intended to convey. However, in spite of
the misnomers, his preaching was unpretentious and his messages were true.
God intended that His 'Evening Time Message' be preached in simplicity
without the pomposity of an educated clergyman. As an Old Testament-type
SEER, many of Bro. Branham's utterances could not be clearly understood.
God's intention was to hide certain Truths from the so-called wise and
prudent men. Of course, this has caused many misinterpretations of God's
truth by different preachers, followers and non-followers alike. As a
result, Bro. Branham's experience was branded as demonic, and that he was
alleged to be the propagator of many aberrant teachings such as
“Jesus Only”, “Two
Souls” and “Other
Than True Believers, All People Are Natural Serpent People”.
(Were not the Old Testament prophetic utterances also misinterpreted by the
different religious Jewish sects in the days of Jesus Christ? Did not the
Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Scribes judge our Lord's teachings to be
aberrant? And, did they not call Him “a devil”?) Undoubtedly, our “Nehemiah”
has to raise apostles to set in order the TRUTH of the Word which the
Message is to point out to the believers. The believers who see the light of
the 'Evening Time Message' must now come back to the Sure Foundation and be
built up as a part of the True Church of God — the Holy City New Jerusalem.
The apostolic teaching and instruction will lay out the Word in the proper
order and put the believers on the Sure Foundation of the Word. Like the
fragile church of the first century, the Endtime Church of Christ needs
constant apostolic instruction, guidance, confrontation and direction.
Every assembly, or church, that is ordained of God, will certainly have
access to the Apostolic Ministry. Some Christians may disagree but notice
the group of true believers in Ephesus under Apollos' ministry. They
believed the teachings of John the Baptist. But they did not receive the
baptism of the Holy Spirit. So, God led the Apostle Paul to lay out the Word
to them and to give them instructions to receive the Holy Spirit.
True ministers of God do not compete for large congregations; they are
ordained to lead people to true holiness and eternal life. The denominations
practise ecumenism, but there is a great deal of strife within the Endtime
Message movement because the devil knows that the message of William Branham
is true. In the First Church Age, after Paul was gone, there arose wicked
men in the midst of the believers and bewitched many. Likewise, in this
Endtime (after Bro. Branham was gone), there are also some wicked men, among
the Endtime Message believers, who bewitch the people. Unless a believer
returns to the Word, he/she will continue to be deceived. Familiar spirits
and demons are found among those who are attached to aberrant teachings of
self-appointed ministers.
It is plain to see that without the Ministry of the Apostles in this Endtime,
believers will be in a state of confusion. The apostles' teachings will make
all the believers see eye to eye with one another and speak the same thing
that there will be no divisions among them and that they will be perfectly
joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment (cf. 1 Cor.1:10).
However, it does not mean that the believers shall be 'yes' men/women, or be
like parrots, to the apostle(s) whom God has sent unto them. Of course,
there are apostles who rule their people by dictatorial authority of their
own words instead of the Bible, and make them learn their teachings parrot
fashion. Parrots learn by repeating without understanding. To speak the same
thing, believers must have a revelation of the Word. If one cannot get the
revelation of a certain truth, then one should wait upon the Lord to reveal
it in His own time. Learning and understanding Biblical truths require time
and patience. It is the Heavenly Father's good pleasure to reveal His truth
in His own time. That there will be no divisions among them, believers,
especially the ministers, must be mature and be willing to esteem others
better than themselves. When an apostle prides himself on his perfect
teaching and seeks to have the pre-eminence among the people, he is being
deceived. Such pride will move him to prate against other fellow ministers
with malicious words (cf. 3 Jhn.1:9-10).
Scripturally, there is no archbishop or arch-apostle. Together with the
Apostolic doctrines, love and the fruit of the Spirit of our Lord Jesus are
essentials which will keep the Church together in unity.
[Note: The phrase “eye to eye” in Isaiah 52:8 (KJV) is often
misinterpreted as agreement in opinion. In fact, it means seeing the Lord
face to face with one's own eyes when He returns to Zion (cf. 1 Cor.13:12).
Except for the Spirit-inspired New Testament epistles, there might have been
other epistles written by some of the twelve apostles which were not
inspired of God. Obviously, being human, the apostles still possessed their
own opinions and human frailty (1 Cor.7:12;
Acts 14:15). They had their limitations. Undoubtedly, the Apostles
and Elders at Jerusalem might have contended with Paul over some of his
revelations, such as that concerning the blood and food offered to idols,
which they strictly felt a convert should not partake according to Moses'
law (cf. Acts 15;
21:21; 1 Cor.8,10). But I believe they chose to
be patient and to acknowledge the working of the Holy Spirit in the life of
Paul. Even Peter, the once hot-headed leader of the Twelve, managed to stay
clear-headed in judging the revelations of Paul when he wrote, “…Even as
our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath
written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these
things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are
unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto
their own destruction. Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things
before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked,
fall from your own stedfastness. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever.
Amen” (2 Pet.3:15b-18). Truly, no one apostle alone could claim to have
the full and complete revelation of God. Whatever revelation each apostle
may have is only a part of the whole mystery of Christ. But when they are
pieced together they are complementary, that all Christians may be edified
as they move on to perfection. Paul said, “For we know in part, and we
prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is
in part shall be done away” (1 Cor.13:9-10).]
Unlike the Early Church apostles, many apostles of today's Christian
movements assert strict control over their believers. Claiming the divine
authority of their apostolic positions, they dictate what their sheep should
do with their lives, such as, whom to marry and what jobs to take up. True
apostles are not dictators; they will not tell the other ministers or the
believers what to do and what not to do, other than what is in the Word.
The Apostolic Authority is the authority in the handling of the Divine Word.
Indeed they hold the reins on the Word of God! A true apostle will establish
and build up the believers' faith on the Word. He will lay out the Word and
set in order the precious things of the Lord Jesus for the believers to
build their lives on and be established in the faith (cf. Acts 16:4-5). As a
WATCHMAN who is positioned on the highest level of the WALL, an APOSTLE is
endowed with a keen sense in spotting any approaching enemy, a prime
spiritual ability in the usage of the Sword and the swiftness in sounding
the Trumpet. Standing firm and strong on the Word, and uttering the certain
sound of warning throughout the camp of God to gather the believers as one
prepared people, he will protect the sacred things of God from the
destructive forces of the enemies (cf. Jdg.7:17-18; Ezek.33:5).
Look at the Apostle Paul. He was not of the original Twelve but “as of
one born out of due time” (1 Cor.15:8) to be an apostle (Gal.1:1), he
was taught of God and sent as a messenger to the Gentiles. “But I certify
you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the
revelation of Jesus Christ” (Gal.1:11-12). “For this cause I Paul,
the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of the
dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: How that by
revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few
words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery
of Christ)” (Eph.3:1-4). Of the 27 books of the New Testament, Paul
wrote 14 of them.
Paul was a man full of humility but bold and authoritative in his speech to
such an extent that, to some people, he might appear to be arrogant when he
proclaimed these words — “In the day when God shall judge the secrets of
men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel” (Rom.2:16) and “According
to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master-builder, I have
laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take
heed how he buildeth thereupon” (1 Cor.3:10). He was so sure of his
doctrine that he exhorted Timothy, his runner, thus: “And the things that
thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful
men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim.2:2). These words
were not written to exalt himself but rather to assert his revelation of
Christ. Amen. You will not find one prophet in the New Testament Church who
could say the same regarding his own teachings even though a prophet is next
to the apostle in the Ascension Gifts ministry. Why? Fundamentally, the
prophetic ministry is given to confirm the Word and the Work of God in the
Church. [Read Acts 13:1-2; 14:21-23; 15:32-41. Paul was once a prophet
before he was elevated to an apostle.]
Timothy, Titus, Silas and others, who having learnt the Word of God, under
the tutelage of Paul's apostolic ministry, did not go about preaching the
Gospel and teaching the doctrines of God by merely quoting what Paul had
said, rather they committed to others what they themselves had learned of
Paul, by revelation, to be the Truth of God. They were not the servants of
Paul. Paul never tried to dictate to any one of them or ordered any one of
them around. They moved about freely doing their own ministries according to
the leading of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor.16:12). To them, Paul was only their
apostolic leader. Paul called them his partners, companions, messengers and
fellow helpers (cf. 2 Cor.8:23; Col.1:7; Phil.2:25). All ministers have but
one master — the Lord Jesus Christ. They are like flaming swords anointed to
protect the Tree of Life — the Sacred Word.
Now, we have the TEMPLE which has FOUR WALLS around IT, so to speak. In the
Holy Scriptures, there are FOUR GOSPELS. And the Book of Revelation shows us
FOUR BEASTS. When the First Church Age started, Paul was on the scene. He
told the saints that, after his departure, grievous wolves would come in
among them and that some were already among them distorting the truth (cf. Acts 20:29-30).
These wolves came in among the believers in sheep's clothings. They looked
holy and righteous but they actually possessed the Nicolaitane spirit. The
believers could not recognize them until they opened their mouths to sow the
seed of the Antichrist. That was the White Horse of the antichrist. But God
sent the Lion spirit to combat it. Just like what happened in the Garden of
Eden, before Eve could be in union with Adam, the Serpent got to her and
seduced her. Similarly, before the Church could get perfected, Satan got in
and blemished her. When the Roman Catholic Church came into power, the Red
Horse came to destroy, kill and shed blood. But Christ sent the spirit of
the Calf and all those who were led by the Spirit of God were willing to be
sacrificed. That lasted for nearly 1,500 years and 68 million people, who
rejected the system, died. After the Red Horse came the Black Horse. It was
a time of famine of the Word of God. The Roman Catholic Church formulated
their dogmas and substituted them for the Word of God and sold them to the
worshippers who sought salvation. The truth of the Word was held back from
the people. But God raised up the Reformers to challenge that Babylonish
system. That was the spirit of the Man around the Throne of God that the
Apostle John saw. Finally, the Antichrist spirit rode on the last of his
horses — the Pale Horse. And right up to this Endtime, this spirit has been
moving about to get people to reject the Word that he might claim the right
to take them to hell and death. But, the spirit of the Flying Eagle stays
aloft with the standard of God's Prophetic Word to fight against him. He has
been screaming out loud to call the elect to get out of Mystery Babylon and
to get back to the Word. The Flying Eagle is that prophetic spirit of
Praise the Lord! We have the Four Beasts, like four walls, protecting the
Tree of Life in the midst of the Church. The Tree of Life, which is the Word
of God, to which we are brought back by the prophet's message, is in our
midst today. Amen.
Our Lord's parable of the wheat and the tares, in Matthew 13, discloses to
us the importance of the harvest time. Wheat and tares look very similar
when they are just sprouting. When they begin to put forth blades, one can
then tell the difference. To separate the tares from the wheat at this time
would damage or destroy some of the wheat. So, only “in the time of
harvest” are the grains separated from the tares and gathered into the
garner. Beloved, we are living “in the time of harvest”. The
reapers/messengers in the Ecumenical Movement are bringing all the tares
together, but the true ministers of God are gathering in the grains. This is
the hour of seed time and not the hour of revival. The former rain comes at
sowing time. The latter rain comes just before the harvest time. Though we
still bear witness of the gospel, it is not the time for sowing gospel seed
around the world, rather it is a time of separating and gathering the grains
into the garner of God. This is the hour to get in line with the Word of
For a long time I have resisted putting my testimony in print or recording
it on magnetic tape. I have my reasons, but God has finally dealt with me
and invalidated them. A minister has to declare and make known his calling
so that the Bible believers may identify the works of God in his ministry.
Therefore, I am going to give a little testimony of how God has dealt with
my life and my calling to the ministry.
I am the firstborn of six children. My father emigrated from China to
Singapore at a very young age. Several years after he married his first
wife, he married my mother, who was then a nominal Presbyterian. My father
is not a Christian. His father was, so he told me. When I was very young, my
mother used to talk to me, and the younger ones, about Jesus Christ. I
attended Sunday School at a nearby Baptist church. My father was strongly
opposed to my attendance. He hated Christianity because of what the
“red-hair d——” (Caucasians) had done to his country, China, before Chairman
Mao came into power.
In 1960, at the age of twelve, I was converted. I felt a tremendous change
in my life as the Holy Spirit touched me. But during my secondary school
years, the foolishness of the world and the ugliness of people hurt me, and
I backslid for about two years. Of course, looking back now, I realized it
was my own foolishness. However, during those years, I did not deny my Lord.
Then one day, He worked a miracle for me to return to Him. A sinner friend
of mine came up to me and said, “Richard, I have never been to a church,
and I've always wanted to go to one.” And I thought to myself that I
would go with him to church the following week. I said, “Well, let's go
this coming Sunday.”
So, the following Sunday, knowing a little about what the Lord was doing in
the Pentecostal Movement, I took him to an Assembly of God church. We were
about half an hour late when we got to the church. The singing had just
ended. We sat on a pew which was about 3 rows from the back. The preacher,
who was an American Chinese, began to preach. It was a message especially
prepared by the Lord just for me. You better believe it. It was entitled
'Prodigal Son, Come Home.'
The church hall was built in the shape of the letter T, and the 3rd row from
the back was near the base of the letter T. Every time the preacher pointed
a finger in a direction — left, right, front or back — to emphasis his
message, I could see a very large finger pointing straight at me saying,
“Prodigal son, come home.” That happened many times during the sermon. I
was totally oblivious to all the people in the congregation. The Spirit was
speaking, my heart was crying, and tears were welling up in my eyes.
Kneeling at the altar with my friend, I broke down and repented of my sins
and backsliding. I was unaware of the congregation leaving and only got up
from pouring out my heart to the Lord, long after the minute hand of the
clock had swept twice around its face.
Not long after that I was baptized, in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy
Ghost, of course. The Lord began to work in my life. I began to spend a lot
of time with the Bible, and I started a little ministry of teaching and
praying in the church. One day I decided to fast and pray to seek the Lord
for His direction in my life. I did that for a week or so. The presence of
the Lord was real. He showed me that I would have a ministry that would
edify and establish Christians in the Word. Being untrained, and having a
Pentecostal denominational mind, I thought of the need to be trained in a
Theological School. I was a little scared, being only 20 years old then, and
my parents being poor, I had wondered how to go about it. Like Jeremiah, the
Lord said, “Do not say, 'I am a child': for you shall go to all that I
shall send thee, and whatsoever I command you you shall speak. Behold, I
have put my words in your mouth.”
Of course, the pastors began to keep an eye on me. To them, being on fire
for God was good, but anything beyond the church traditions was bad.
Prophesying and prophetic teaching were fine until the 'Evening Time
Message' came to me. Being a Pentecostal, I was privileged to have access to
some Pentecostal magazines (such as Voice of Healing and The Full
Gospel Business Men's Voice) from which I learned about the ministry of
William Branham. But I didn't know that he had a special message. (I came to
realize later that the pastors had kept away some books of William Branham
from the church library.)
I was leading a Bible Study group in the A.o.G. Church. One evening, in the
middle of the year 1971, a young member of the group showed up only after we
had ended our session on the Book of Revelation. He related how he was
distracted by some gospel singing in a community hall whilst on his way to
the Bible class. He went there instead and found a preacher from New Zealand
preaching that the denominational churches had deviated from the Truth and
were in errors. When the preaching was over, he was given two books. He
showed me the books. One of them was entitled 'The Exposition of the
Seven Church Ages'. The name William Marrion Branham was on the cover of
the book. I had several times mentioned that name to the class. I felt
disturbed. I had always propagated the A.o.G. faith. I was proud to be a
member of the system. But, then, for the first time, my A.o.G.
denominational standing was being challenged. Still, in my heart, I said,
“There must be truth, if William Branham was a man of God.”
The young man showed no interest in the books, and said that I could have
them. It was God Who had sent him to get the books for me. When I reached
home, although it was late in the night, I opened the 'Seven Church Ages'
book and began to read. When I came to the statement, which read, “Three
distinct persons, though identical substance, make three gods, or language
has lost its meaning entirely”, it shook me because I was taught a Holy
Trinity and I was believing in a Triune God. I had often prayed to three
different persons, and I had expected to see three Gods in Heaven. I closed
the book, and I talked to God and said, “Lord, what am I believing in?”
And this scripture rang in my ear, “Ye worship ye know not what.”
I told the Lord that I would not read the rest of the book because I needed
to know the truth, and I was going to get it directly from Him. For a whole
month, I fasted, on and off, and studied the Word. I was then working as a
male nurse in a psychiatric hospital. I had to work different shifts. I
re-studied the various portions of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation with
the expectation that God would give me a real understanding of the
Scriptures. Believe me, God revealed to me that there was but only One God
in the various scriptures where the Trinitarians taught Three. For example,
God showed me that the three men who visited Abraham were Elohim Himself
with the two Archangels, Michael and Gabriel — not Father, Son and Holy
Spirit as taught by the Trinitarians. Then, God showed me that I should be
re-baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ because Father, Son and Holy Spirit
were titles and not the Name(s) of God.
As I began to know more of the Eternal God, during that period of study, I
also received the revelation that there was no such a thing as an eternal
hell where souls of people would be burnt forever and not burnt up. The
revelation was confirmed when I realized that there was only one form of
true life — God's life. Anything outside of the Spirit of God has no life,
no existence.
When I went back to reading the 'Seven Church Ages' book, I
discovered that Bro. Branham taught the very same things God had revealed to
me. The pastor of the first Endtime Message church here, in Singapore,
believed that it was impossible for me to receive those revelations directly
from God without first reading William Branham's books. I told him that
revelation of God's Word would come only from God, and not from Bro. Branham
or any man of God, past or present. Today, there are many believers, just
like that pastor, who obtusely insist that only Branham's teachings can
impart the revelation of truth. Such are the notions of the Branhamites.
Very soon after that, I left the A.o.G church. Leaving with me were six
young men. We gathered together in my home regularly on Sundays and, as
often as we could, on certain weekdays. We had much difficulty in gathering
together as a group for worship and fellowship because some of us had to
work on Sundays and some were holding jobs with shift duties. It was a
struggle for us to meet as a group. I will never forget the first prophecy
that the Lord gave us at one of our meetings during that period of time. It
is etched in my mind and heart and I can still remember it very clearly
"Hearken unto Me, saith the Lord. Your gathering together in this manner
is not of your own doing. I have caused it to be. I have called you out
that I might have a people. I have set thee for a ministry to raise up a
standard in this part of the world for a blessing to my people."
God put in my heart to start a ministry and print a little periodical. I
needed a hand-crank mimeograph machine. Our tithes and offerings did not
amount to much. Still, I went ahead and called up a company which sold
mimeograph machines. A salesman came and told me that, if I bought the
machine on hire-purchase, I would have to make an initial payment of 20 per
cent of the sale price and installment payments of S$100 every subsequent
month. I told him that I didn't have that kind of money. He sized me up for
awhile, then asked what I could sincerely offer to buy the machine. I said
that I could only make an initial payment of S$100 and monthly payments of
S$60. Of course, that would take twice as long a period to pay for the
machine, and that plan didn't fit the company's policy. Finally, he asked
what I was going to print. I told him that I was going to print the Gospel.
He smiled at me and told me that I could have the machine.
So, I paid S$100 and got a brand new mimeograph machine with several free
tubes of duplicating ink and a few reams of paper. Our little group printed
500 copies of our first periodical in November 1971. We called it 'The
Spoken Word'. It contained some Gospel messages, testimonies, prophetic
news and a short message by William Branham. We sent them out to people
whose names we had gathered from Christian magazines. Soon, we received some
little offerings, and we printed more copies. (In 1974, the same pastor of
the first local Endtime Message church accused me of trying to confuse
people about the Message of Bro. Branham because of the name of my
periodical. William Branham's sermon books are printed under the title
'The Spoken Word'. I had not expected such an accusation to arise from
the use of the same name for my periodical. Still, God had His will in this,
as I looked back. There had been too much talk about 'The Spoken Word',
'Endtime Message', 'Evening Light', 'Malachi 4', etc., and
hardly any prophetic revelation of the truth to which the prophet-messenger
has brought us back. So, in March 1974, 'Prophetic Revelation' was
adopted as the new name of our present ministry. A sign was given to me,
several days later, as a confirmation of the right choice of the new name
when an article entitled “What is prophetic revelation?” appeared in
the local newspaper.)
As the Lord blessed the ministry, we were able to afford better models of
the mimeograph machine. We had upgraded from a hand-crank machine to a fully
automatic one in the second year. As we began to have more work, the
periodical had to be printed on a bi-monthly interval, and later quarterly
interval, so that more time could be spent on my overseas ministry. We
collated the pages, folded, stapled and cut them, all with our own hands.
From the initial printing of 500 copies per issue we gradually increased the
printing to 1,000, 1,500 and then 2,000 copies. Now, we are printing 5,000
copies per issue with some reprints at 10,000 copies. Besides the
periodicals, we have also printed several tracts. By 1988, we began
page-making by computer and sending the finished layout of the message to a
commercial printing company to print the books. A total of no less than half
a million pieces of literature have been printed. To date, with no more than
30 local believers supporting this ministry, we have distributed nearly a
million pieces of our books and other Gospel literature to many places
around the world.
There were many difficulties during the early days of the ministry. By the
end of 1976, our little group decided to team up with a small group of
believers who had left the first local Endtime Message church. (Whatever
reasons which caused them to leave that church are better left unsaid here.
For even my fellowship and I had not been spared the antipathy, defamation,
resentment, hostility, etc., from that church.) I had earlier brought the
Message to the believer who headed this small group, but he and his family
had chosen to fellowship with that first local Endtime Message church.
Our fellowship with this small group lasted for about 2 years. In the first
year, there was a good move of God's Spirit among the believers. But the
familiar spirits of the first local Endtime Message church soon began to
manifest themselves in the assembly. Problems emerged, disharmony mounted,
and conflicts set in. During that period, my wife (whom I married in 1974)
and I had a little mishap while riding a motorcycle. Though I had peace deep
within me in spite of the incident, I became burdened and frustrated with
the seemingly endless fight with the destructive spirits of the Adversary of
God during the week after the mishap. That was when I had a dream. This
happened on the night of 30th April 1977. (It wasn't my first spiritual
dream. I had one, in June 1975, on the Coming of Christ. It prophetically
revealed that a small number of believers would make it for the Rapture
because of the falling away from the faith. The Lord appeared to me in that
dream and answered a very personal question which had been on my mind. Bro.
Branham was identified in that dream, too.)
That very night I was feeling very restless, I was worked up, I was angry
with everything and everyone, even my good wife. I questioned God about
myself and my ministry — was it just my own desire? Or something that I did
not know of? I walked up and down the staircase in my house with many
thoughts flooding my mind. Then I went to pray, and said, “Lord, I want
an answer, somehow.”
Near midnight, I went to bed. Then, I found myself walking among ruins of
large white marbled structure. There were partially broken walls, and piles
of broken stones. There were fractured pillars standing here and there. I
was looking at the broken floor structure as if searching for something —
something of great price, a pearl, a jewel, or… Seeing a broken pillar,
which had fallen and was lying across the centre of the ruins, I sat down
and continued to gaze at the cracked up floor structure of the building,
searching, but I found nothing.
Then the vision changed. I heard a voice call my name, and I found myself
going forward to a rostrum (or podium) to receive my 'first prize'.
When I was standing before the rostrum, the 'second prize' and 'third prize'
winners came forward almost immediately. (The rostrum is like the one used
in the Olympics games. The first position is on the centre stand, the second
position is on the right, and the third position is on the left.) I looked
at them. The 'third' position winner just stood there. There was nothing
unusual about him. But, when I turned to look at the 'second' position
winner on my right, I immediately recognized him as a mental patient in the
psychiatric hospital where I was still working, as a male nurse, at that
time. He was one of my patients, but I couldn't remember his real name, for
in the dream he possessed a strange name that clouded my mind. I just could
not figure why he was there. He knew who I was. Perplexity heightened as he
began to look at me with a mischievous grin. I could sense that he was up to
no good.
Then the Angelic Announcer, who was in a distance up in the air, in front of
me, began to make his announcement. He was dressed in radiant white and
bathed in bright orb of shining light. Between the Announcer and the
rostrum, where I stood with the other two persons, there was a throng of
people facing the Announcer. They stood up, raised their voices and asked
him, of me, “For what (was he called to that top position for the ”first
prize")?! Just before the announcement, I quickly made my way up the
rostrum to take my position on the top, but not without difficulty. The
insane man, on my right, was trying hard to shove me from taking my
position. But, I was very resolute and with some difficulties, firmly
planted my feet on the top position. Straightaway the Announcer made the
proclamation, in answer to the question which the throng of people had
asked: “For the restoration of the

I woke up and began to ponder. Then three Scripture verses immediately came
to my mind — Acts 13:1; Ephesians 2:20; Titus 1:5. These are the verses that
pointed to my calling of the ministry that God had earlier shown me. There
were two questions, in my mind, about the dream. What was I looking at, and
searching for, on the floor of the ruined structure? And, who was that loony
person, known to me in real life yet had a different name? I sought the Lord
for the answers, and was shown the interpretations of the visions.
Looking, and yet not seeing, searching, but not finding it — that precious
'something' was the foundation in the beautiful white marbled structure that
was in ruins. That is the pearl of great price, so to speak. The foundation
was there, yet not there because it was broken. As regards the lunatic man,
who tried to push me away from my position — my ministry, my placing, my
calling — he represents the many trouble-makers, confused and mixed-up
people, and those who walk disorderly, who seek to destroy the ministry that
God has ordained me to do. Up till that time, he had clouded my mind and
confused me as to what constituted the ABSOLUTE WORD of God. I realized then
that I had to fight a good fight, and press on and overcome the 'loony
atmosphere' in the Endtime Message Movement. God has reaffirmed my prophetic
teaching ministry, and has called me, as an apostle, to the work of
'restoring' the apostolic foundation. I knew I would have to travel when the
time came for me to do so. I was still working as a male nurse at that time.
So, I just recorded the dream and the interpretations in my Bible and
awaited the fulfillments.
Following a prophetic warning from God, our little group broke off
fellowship with the other group, in early 1979. That fellowship then ceased
to exist, in fulfillment of the prophecy. By that time, there were about
twenty of us in our group. The following year, a small group of believers,
also from the first church, came to join our fellowship. But, after a year,
they left our fellowship. They alleged that our fellowship was under a
Nicolaitane spirit because I was the pastor. The leader of that group was
influenced by the wrong teachings of an American minister who believed in a
Fourfold Ministry with a committee of elected Elders (Pastors who were also
Teachers) overseeing the local churches.
In November 1980, a minister from California, U.S.A., by the name of Ernest
Hawtin, visited Singapore. He was one of the two Hawtin brothers who were
the leaders of the Latter Rain Movement in Canada in the mid 20th Century.
He had no knowledge, at that time, that I was shepherding an assembly. I had
dropped by his church in Oakland, California, in July 1980, during a
service. I was then on my way home, with my family, after attending a
convention in Bro. Raymond Jackson's assembly in Jeffersonville, Indiana.
During that meeting with him, he had given me a word of knowledge that God
had a work for me to do. I had not said anything about myself to him. We
were total strangers and were meeting each other for the first time. When he
visited Singapore, he ministered to our little church for three nights. On
the third night, as he ministered, he began to discern the people in the
church. Then he turned around, to where I was sitting at the side, and
pointed at me and said,
“Brother Gan, you have an apostolic ministry. The time is come for you to
I sat there with my face as white as a sheet. I had put a 'fleece' before
the Lord that He might show me when I should hand in my letter of
resignation to my employer and embark on a full time ministry. So, when that
word of knowledge was given by the Spirit of the Lord, I knew that was my
answer from God. November passed, and I put a few more 'fleeces' before the
Lord, and He again gave me the answers. In January 1981 (I was 33 years
old), I tendered my resignation and took my overdue vacation. And, two
months later, at the end of March, I began my first overseas 'missionary'
trip — to India.
So, since that time, I have travelled to various places as the Lord led me.
As truly as the vision had shown, in nearly all the assemblies the Lord has
led me to minister, I could see either broken foundation or no
proper foundation at all of the Word of God. All they had were the
statements/quotes of William Branham, and/or some misinterpreted doctrines
from his sermons. Many believers were confused, and the churches were
divided. Truly, “if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous
do?” (Psa.11:3). In restoring the foundation, my work was to set in
order the things that were lacking in these churches, and to show them what
the Apostolic Fathers' faith truly was that Brother Branham had preached
about. It was not easy, and it is not any easier, because the spirits of
'Branhamism' and 'proselytizing', brought about by many of the BIG
ministers of America, Canada and Europe, have become the foundations of many
Endtime Message churches.
I may not be an apostle to some people, but I am surely one to those true
believers, who would receive me, for they are the seal of my apostleship in
the Lord (cf. 1 Cor.9:2). There are other apostles and other ministers who
have their respective works to do; I respect them and hold them in high
esteem. But, there are some who would judge my teachings by another
minister's. It's to their shame that they are showing up their own
immaturity. If you have to judge anyone, judge him by the Word of God.
Indeed. And don't bug him just because he is yellow or black. There are
always those who will `butt' at the Truth that they hear, and foolishly
announce, “Brother Branham was vindicated. Who is Richard Gan?”
Truly, I am a nobody but a watchman on the wall of New Jerusalem. I am not
disobedient to the heavenly vision. I am resolved to do the work that I have
been commissioned to do, to keep watch over the sacred things of God, for
“his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary
of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jer.20:9b NIV). I have received,
therefore I speak. I will not jettison what I have in God for some kudos,
fame or fortune. Amen. The Lord Jesus has not failed to bless my ministry
all this time. For, when He first called me, I made a covenant with Him, so
to speak, that if He would provide ten faithful godly Word-loving believers
to support the cause, I would do the ministry.
regularly received many letters of appreciation and blessing from Bible
believers expressing their joy and gladness for the apostolic doctrine they
have been taught. Being established in the present truth of the Word of God
is the most important thing in a Christian's life. We thank God for His love
and blessings.
The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ began on the Day of Pentecost. The
Apostles spearheaded the building of the Church on their foundational
doctrine. But over the centuries, creeds and dogmas of man have replaced the
Apostolic Word of God as the foundation of the Church. Therefore the Church
needs the Apostles to restore its 'lost' foundation of the sure Word of God.
The decree (message) of William Branham paved the way for the saints to
return home to their Apostolic Fathers' Original Foundation of the Word.
As an Old Testament-type prophet, when William Branham preached, he usually
reached back to the Old Testament, because the spirit of those prophets
spoke of Christ. The Gospel of Christ was hidden in those prophetic
utterances. Prophetic (prophets') revelation points to and identifies the
Word, but the Apostolic (apostles') doctrine is the laying of the foundation
of the Word for the Church.
If the Endtime Message believers do not have the apostles and their
apostolic teachings then, like Israel in the days when they had no king,
everyone will be doing what is right in their own eyes with nobody and
nothing to guide them. But, thank God, He has set some Apostles, and other
ministers who are guided by the Apostolic teachings, so that the believers
can be assured that God's Truth is being preached. And, when the Word is
simply and clearly made known to them, the believers can rejoice and be glad
because they understand the Truth.
Therefore, beloved, let us get in the Word. This is the Evening Time, but it
is certainly not a time for 'lighting candles'. Let us be still and learn of
Christ. Until we do that we might be found running around without a message
and without a purpose. If God has saved us by giving us His Only Begotten
Son, Jesus Christ, then let us praise and thank Him for His salvation. If
God has given us some spiritual gifts, then let us make use of them for His
glory. But, if God has planned to prepare a perfect Endtime Living Bride for
the soon return of His Son, then let us be a part of that Beautiful Bride.
“The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith
the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of
– Haggai 2:9