IN SINGAPORERevised version: 28 April,2015
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,
I am Indian believer of Endtime message. My testimony bears a record of a few adventures performed by the Lord in my life. I have been privileged to be acquainted with whole dispensation of the seven church ages, the doctrines of the Godhead, Original sin, Seven Seals, and also of the Great mystery of the gospel hidden since the time of old, prophesied by the mouths of the holy prophets and holy apostles. Rightly, the Endtime Message of Bro William Marrion Branham calls God’s people back to the Original Truth in the Sacred Scripture. I am thankful to my Lord for His tender mercies and great love to elect me to be a part of the divine truth.
I arrived in Singapore on 21 October, 2008 to pursue my higher studies. My pastor in India had already recommended me to assemble with Bro Richard Gan for the fellowship. Truly, back then I was familiar with the confusion among the Endtime message churches due to the misuse of quotations of the prophet, so I was not interested to go to any message church, even that of Bro Richard Gan. I preferred to keep to myself to be with God by reading the message books of Bro Branham, Bible, fasting and praying rather than getting myself in the confusion.
Now, true Christians are certainly aware of the difficulty of staying away from the house of the Lord.I was glad when they said unto me; Let us go into the house of the LORD. - Psalm 122:1
After about one month, I was very depressed and somehow missed the fellowship and worship of the Lord with the saints. I offered three continuous days of fasting prayers unto the Lord to seek His will and answer for my unsatisfying spirit, and the reason of my lost interest in studies. When my fasting days were over, right after those days, when I was sitting in my college room thinking about my condition and answer of the Lord, I typed in the Google Search website: “Endtime message ministries, Singapore” to get to know about the message churches in Singapore. The first title with bold letters appeared on the web page “PROPHETIC*REVELATION – SINGAPORE.” I went through the website and read some articles: Original Sin partially, and the visits of Bro Gan in India, Sri Lanka, Africa, and USA, etc. I became excited to see Bro Gan whom I was not even willing to meet at all.
I got the contact of Bro Gan from my pastor and gladly joined in the fellowship of his assembly. I remained in the ministry of Bro Gan for almost four months where I got clear understanding about the revelation of the Original Word. It was indeed a great experience of my journey in the Lord. The answers of our Lord always transcend the human thoughts.For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways than yours ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. - saiah 55:9
I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause. - Job5:8God bless all those in the assembly of Bro Gan with whom I had spent wonderful spiritual moments in Singapore.
1 Jan, 2012:
This part of my testimony emphasizes an approach to “Brahmanism.” I received some emails concerning my testimony which was posted on the website of Prophetic*Revelation. The emails accused me that I was against Bro Branham, and that my testimony made the words of the prophet of no effect. In the Endtime message there are many groups as there are in denominations, and all of them affirm to be the true bride of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have built up diverse ideas because of the misunderstanding of the Word preached by precious Bro William Branham. They never fear to judge and accuse someone sarcastically and irrationally. The simple and absolute message of the Star-Messenger for this Laodicean Church age has been twisted into many different “messages”. But the true message can only lead and point to the Sacred Bible.For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? - Corinthians 14:8
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the saints. - 1 Corinthians 14:33I have read the article “Brahmanism” and acknowledged where ministers have profoundly, professed things that do not have any scriptural backup. I had an argument with Bro Richard Gan about the article “Brahmanism” on his website. Presently, I can make a statement to confirm that his name is very commonly heard among the ministers of the Endtime message. Eventually, I came to realize that my argument against it was baseless; I did not find it anywhere erroneous at all.
There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. - Ephesians 4:5
I can declare equivocally, there is ABSOLUTE MESSAGE, not messages, that can make the believers to walk under the same faith. Inspired Word of God (BIBLE) was the source of Bro Branham, so would be of everyone who diligently seek the TRUTH. The website of Bro Gan accentuates nothing but to the voice of the original Word of God (Message, Malachi 4:5).
Contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. - Jude 1:3
And you shall know the truth (Word of God), and the truth shall make you free. - John 8:32Dear brethren, it is only the WORD of Truth that will perfect the bride. God bless those who will seek the voice of the “Message” from the website of Prophetic*Revelation.
Can two walk together, except they are agreed? -Amos 3:3
Thy Word is Truth. - John 17:17
In Christ,
Kuldeep Singh
Email: kuldeep.uitm@gmail.com