Question:  Bro. Gan, why do the Branhamites refuse to look closely into the Sacred Scriptures?


Quite simply:

They will have everything to lose should they look closely into the Sacred Scriptures.

Hence, they have to SAY WHAT THE PROPHET SAID, otherwise their revelation would fail.  Are they not like the Pharisees who also had to SAY WHAT THEIR PROPHETS SAID otherwise their traditional teachings would fail?  They would have to admit their errors and bow to THE WORD, something which they would not do.

Both these two religious groups have put their trust in their prophets, which is alright, but they did so without a revelation. Their faiths are based, not upon the Written Inspired Word of God but upon the traditions handled down by oral words, passed from person to person.

Israel’s last prophet was Malachi. After 400 years of silence John the Baptist came. As much as the Pharisees, and other Jewish religious leaders, claimed to have the truth, their faith in their prophets was mainly based upon the oral tradition ― the interpretations of their elders. Their faith, therefore, was according to the tradition of the elders. Because of such foolish traditional belief, they made the Word of God no effect, not only to themselves but also to those whom they have made proselytes, they have made them twice the children fit for hell than themselves (cf. Mat.23:15). 

Now, the Branhamites take William Branham’s oral words and make them THUS SAITH THE LORD.  To them, nothing Branham said was ever an error. Some also claimed that "only to Bro. Branham was it given to have the power of infallibility, that of necessity, had to return to the church to clear up all the scriptural questions left after the church ages had finished out.”  Nevertheless, True Bible Believers know what Paul said about the Inspired Sacred Scripture (cf. 2Tim.3:16) and what Branham had also said about it.

If Branhamites are truly born again, and have the Holy Spirit Baptism, they will say what the Scripture said, not what the prophet said, especially not what the “elders” of the “Message Movement” said.