Columba the messenger to the 4th church age
actually died before the church age even started.

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I have a question and wonder if you would have an answer for me. As I was studying the church ages and history it looks as if Columba the messenger to the 4th church age actually died before the church age even started. Have you ever looked into this and if so did you find any answers. I would like to understand it better. This would helps when I speak to people that have doubts about Bro. Branham being the 7th church age messenger.

Thanks and may God bless you.
Bro. Tim
[Aug.15.2009, 8:45pm]
Yes, this is a "fault" that anti-Branham people have picked against him and the believers.
On my website, if you access my ETERNITY TO ETERNITY chart No:6, you will notice that I have used a banner that indicate the period of each church age that is different from that which Branham used.  Bro. Branham took the dates from Clarence Larkin's book on DISPENSATIONAL TRUTH. Larkin's dates are not truthful because there is no such possibility that an age ended on a certain date and another began immediately after it.  As a scholar, I have searched and found that there was the overlapping of years of one church age over another because there was a transition period from one to another. The years on the banner are acceptable to most scholars plus or minus a few years.
God bless.


Thank you. I looked at the chart and that answers my question. I can see where there would be an overlapping. Your quick response is appreciated. So many want a person not to ask any questions, just believe. But it was asking questions that led me out of catholicism and into this glorious truth.

May God bless and continue to lead you.
Bro. Tim
[Aug.15.2009, 10:20pm]

You are welcomed, my brother.
It is sad that the spirit of Branhamism has blinded many.  The preachers are to be held responsible for putting them in such bondage.  The blind preachers are not just leading the blind for the blind themselves are foolish in that they do not search the Scripture to see if those things taught were true.  Did not Paul admonish to do that?
Asking the pastor is to find truth and if the pastor does not know the answer, he should be honest and sincere to say so, and be faithful enough to find out, not only for the one asking the question but also for himself.  But no, many do not have the answer because they do not know the Bible though they claimed to be called of God to preach and teach.
Truly, Branhamism is no different from Catholicism.  Both hold the followers in bondage.
God bless.