James Veremu

I left home for Harare International Airport at 11hrs on the 6th of March 2012 to catch the flight for New Delhi, India for my Asia Trip. I arrived at New Delhi's Int. Airport at 08:00hrs on 07 March to be met by brother Divyanshu [a believer in Pastor Pratap Singh's church] who took me to bro. Kumar's house where I was to lodge during my stay in New Delhi.

We had a total of five Services during my six day stay and the Lord really blessed us in these meetings. The church in New Delhi is very encouraging by their stand and enlightenment to the present day truth as brought to us through the Message of our day.

Brother Kumar's sons Stephen and Robin had the courtesy to take me to THE RED FORT and THE TAG MAHAL I realy was fascinated by these gigantic structures that have stood the challenges of time and remained unmoved on their foundations. Surely the builders were very faithfull and dedicated in ther work. It reminded me of how the church built was faithfull men [2 Timothy 2:2] upon the unmovable Faith in the revealed Word has stood firm to the purpose of the high calling of Heaven.

The 13th of March saw me taking my flight to Coimbatore a city in Southern India. Bro Shadrach, the pastor, and bro David, an elder, met me at the airport Bro. Shadrach was at this time under his JUNIPER TREE (1Kings 19:4). His wife was in the ICU ward in hospital he had just buried their Infant son who had not survived the labor induced birth. But I was encouraged by his unwavering trust and stand in God in the midst of Stones of accusations, insults and indifferent attitudes hurled at him by those supposed to be brethren. But my stay in Coimbatore saw me and the church gathering daily in prayer and supplication for sister Benita (Shadrach's wife), and by the grace of God, she was out of the ICU ward by the 18th March. I also visited a church in a town called Salem about 158km from Coimbatore where Bro Abraham is pastor and we had one good time of fellowship and sharing the Word of God.

The evening of 21st March saw us having a service in the city centre of Coimbatore (Bro Shadrach is establishing a Fellowship for the city people). After the service I went straight to catch my flight to Singapore arriving 08:00hrs of 22nd March.

In Singapore I had one Sunday service on 27th before I left for Manila, Philippines. Bro Nonoy, pastor of a church in San Pedro, a sateliite town of Manila, met me at the airport.

The 1st of April was the begining of my tour of the Philippines with a joint meeting of all the churches in and around Manila. We had a great time of worship the whole day. We also had fellowship at a local hotel where bro Neil from bro Nonoy's church is security manager and holds Bible Study sessions with the hotel staff.

03/04/2012: I flew to Butuan City in southern Philippine for the Easter holidays convention. Most of the churches converged at pastor Orsel Dumanon's church in Butuan City for 4 days of services.

10/04/2012: I went to Cabadbaran a city about 45km from Butuan. We had 3 services of wonderful worship and preaching the Word in pastor Lito's church.

12/04/2012: Bro Orsel, bro Lito, bro Nelson, (an elder in Cabadbaran Church) and I left for Camiguin Island, a rich Tourist Center in southern Philippine. We had a service the morning of Friday the 13th, and were to have another in the evening but could not because of a power failure on the whole Island. We left the following morning but not without preaching one more service. The saint would not lose their share of the previous day's evening service so we had a sunrise service before leaving for Valencia (a city some 300 to 350 kilometres away on the main land) together with bro John, the pastor of Camiguin church.

15/04/2012: We had morning and afternoon services in Valencia city and left for Cabadbaran in the evening. We arrived 02:00hrs the next day

16/04/2012: In the afternoon Bro John returned to Camiguin and the four of us left for Bontoc, in the province of Southern Leyte. We visited a village church on the outskirts of Bontoc for two services. The next day we had two services in Bro Robhos' church in Bontoc. In the evening pastor Litto and bro Nelson retuned to Cabadbaran while bro Orsel and I took a ferry for Cebu where we took a flight the next day for Iloilo. We were met by Bro Andrew Durano pastor of the church in Iloilo. We were two days in this city and had three services.

21/04/2012: Bro Orsel who was my interpreter all along returned to Butuan City, and I took a flight back to Manila.

22/04/2012: I preached for Pastor Jonathan Togonon in the morning and Pastor Nonoy in the afternoon. Next day we had a house fellowship in San Pedro and after in a vllage outside Manila.

























On 25/04/2012 I flew back to Singapore. We had a service in bro Gan's church on Sunday.

01/05/2012; I flew to Cambodia to visit the churches there. Bro Israel and his wife sister Debora came to receive me at the airport. I was the last person to come out and they patiently waited for me, praying, since they knew what was going on inside. Cambodian immigration officers are not very honest. So they were pestering me for money trying to create issues. But I dug in my heeds and not give in. Finally they let me go. Cambodia is a unique case and always a challenge to me when I go there. Brother Israel a Cameroonian whom God inspired to go and plant the seed of the Word has been there for about 4 years. He started to do God's work from scratch but not without challenges. His wife sister Debora came some 2 or 3 years ago to join him in the work. She holds a university degree in journalism but left it all to work amoung the people of a foreign land in very poor conditons. She and bro Israel escorted me to village and urban churches for the 9 days I was in Cambodia. They realy
need our support and prayers for this work. A brother from Strung Teng province, about 400km from Phnom Penh came to see me after we had failed to go there due to some logistical problems. I had quite a good time with him digging into the deep things of the Word of God. He was very eager to learn.






10/05/2012: I left for Singapore to have one more Sunday service in and a brief visit to Malaysia before I packed my bags for my homeward journey.

My gratitude goes to the Saints of God back home and in Asia for their support in prayers and kind May the good Lord reward them accordingly. AMEN.