Thoughts by Bro.
Ernest Hawtin
More and more men are engaged in bursting the bonds
of gravity! They are shooting for the moon and there seems
to be no reason why they will not attain their objective. They
have triumphed over the Earth’s pull of gravity, the atmosphere has been overcome, and what the astronaut will
breathe, eat and wear is less and less of a problem. In an
age like this, must the saints remain Earth bound? What are
the promises of Scripture for those who are longing to fly
who want to slip the ties of this World and have freedom in
the Spirit? Are there other dimensions, or just this one only?
The late Albert Einstein one time on the train was talking to a
lady who was a missionary, and as this lady talked to him
about spiritual things he exclaimed excitedly, “Lady, you must
be in the seventh dimension!”
He very likely realized that the
spiritual dimensions were the greatest of all! Surely they
are, but does not the church appear reluctant to exploit this
realm? Of course, there are more enemies here. Satan does
not oppose wisdom that God gives for the benefit of natural men. He
bitterly opposes any light which God gives to the
church for the saints. On such a tide are we now afloat. We
must not hold back from anything the Scriptures indicate is
ours, but rest in the assurance that,
He which hath begun a
good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ
Well let us look ourselves over; have we wings, or no?
Is ascension just a dream? Is there a possibility of soaring
Heavenward? Of leaving far behind the sordid World full of
sin and evil? Would we be so Heavenly minded we would be
no earthly good? Even in the natural, they have proved that
more command may be exercised over the Earth from orbit
than from here below! Are you ready? If it is possible to go
let’s go!
Seek those things which are above. How high?
Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. (Col.3:1). That is
beyond the present orbital attainments. How are we to attain? We cannot make arrangements as they do for an earthly
blast-off. This is all in your mind. Your mind is something
very wonderful. It is not limited to the confines of home or
business. In a split second you can be traversing the desert
waste of Australia! Or sojourning in the icy climes of the far
North. Set your affections, literally. Mind the things above,
not the things of Earth. For as he thinketh in his heart, so is
he: (Prov.23:7).
If a man was always thinking of Hawaii and the beauty
thereof, some day he would appear with a ukulele, singing
the dreamy songs of that fair land. He would want to eat the
food, and wear the garb and greet you with an Aloha and a
lei. Abraham’s mind was always off in a faraway land.
he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder,
and Maker is God. (Heb.11:10). With his mind on that great
city of God, what a change it made in his Earthly walk, if
your mind is on nothing but business, you reek of that! If it is
money, the jingle of coin appears in your voice. If it is fashion, your vocabulary consists of what’s in and, “What’s out?”
That may not be much to say but the race of style is very
demanding, and to keep abreast of it is a lifetime work. We
live where our
thoughts project!
And be not conformed to
this world: but be ye transformed (literally “transfigured”)
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. (Rom.12:2).
When our mind is on the things above, we will think of
true things, not untrue. (Phil.4:8). Do not let any unscriptural
term stay long in your mind or seldom pass your lips. It would
not be right for our mind to dwell on organization, popes,
cardinals, superintendents, etc., being not in the vocabulary
of the Spirit, but if it is apostles, and prophets, and teachers, etc., you can
think about it as much as you please. I n the
same manner, think of honest things, of just, pure, and lovely
things, things of good report. There is a sermon on each one
of these. This is how you think on those things which are
above, as all these things belong to another World. We adopt
the habits, customs and language of that other world. Think
of the Beatles, and men, you will become more like a lady,
and your hair will grow longer. Think of the rebellious spirit
that wants to be different, and you will want to grow a beard.
If you think the government is wrong, you will find yourself
joining the parades of anti-this or anti-that, with no respect
for authority. Think of the things above! This is our calling.
The high calling of God as mentioned in (Phil.3:14) is
literally as in the margin the
“upward calling” or the
“On High”
calling. Yes! It’s an
upward pull! Fred Smith said,
“Horizontal tensions pull an individual apart — vertical tensions pull
him together.” We might add it is the same with the Body of
Christ! The mind of perfection is pictured for us in the teachings which surround the above-mentioned verse, but it must
be called a moving picture. Man’s perfection is, mechanically, something developed to operate without fault, but God’s
idea of this is growth and maturity. In the first place, Paul
taught that this mind was not conscious of attainment. You
have met people, no doubt, so conscious of what they have
of the Lord, so sure of themselves concerning the Word! Their
interpretations are always so right. A cocksure infallibility is
not the right attitude. The apostle was concerned with
righteousness which is of God by faith
(Phil.3:9). This faith
in turn would produce in him a desire for five other things.
1. To know Him. 2. To know resurrection power. 3.
To know
the fellowship of His sufferings. 4. To go through the death
procedure even as Christ. 5. To attain the resurrection.
We will not here consider an explanation of each of these five things which Paul
desired, but his attitude toward them,
which should be the mind of the perfect (Phil. 3:15). Though he did not count
himself to have attained, nor was he conscious of attainments, he mentions,
whereto we have already
attained (Phil 3:16), which is certainly a case of the Word
separating between soul and spirit, as there were some past
attainments, but of which he was not to be conscious, but
must keep on attaining. The same with perfection, although he said in
(verse 15), Let us
therefore, as many as be perfect, he must think in this manner, Not as
though I had already attained, either were already perfect: (Phil. 3:12). The
language of Heaven is a very versatile one. We are something, and we are not something. We have attained and we
have not attained. In earthly language this would not make
sense. But it is God’s language, and every time, it leaves us
in the right spirit. It seems that in ministering to the saints, we point out
many sides to the Truth, and, after the expounding, reasoning, and explaining is over, in five simple words,
be led of the spirit!
He had the mind of a pursuer, following after something.
A hunter is often in this mind. He is tracking down game, and
though the shades of night are falling, and he is miles from
camp, still he pursues. “Perhaps it is just over yon hill.”
mind is so taken up with pursuing, he has not thought of his
own safety, it is now dark, and he is lost.
“I follow after.”
time to explain to curious people what we are hunting! In our
own hearts we know as Paul, that it is, “If I may lay hold, for
that also I was laid hold of by Jesus Christ.”
(Phil 3:12). He
pursued, and hunted us down when we were fugitives, and
laid hold on us. Now, together we pursue something else.
We are hunting now with a Divine Guide. What we pursue is
the “Upward Calling”
and its prize. If He could hunt us down,
and catch us, surely together we shall attain that high calling, and be conformed to the image of His Son. The apostle
did not reckon that he had caught up with the prize. He would not count on doing
too many things, but one thing, forgetting. Yes, this Mind seems to have a poor memory, unless
the Spirit wants to bring something to our remembrance that He has said.
The Spirit never
brings up our past sins, failures, or mistakes, as long as they were
satisfactorily forgiven.
We can’t go on, if we listen to the accuser calling back the
past. Forget all those things, and keep stretching out for the
“things above” where Christ sits. Keep pressing on! Keep
hunting, the season is still open, keep pursuing!
You can have a lapse of memory about yesterday, and
not be anxious about tomorrow, but
be sure and look alive
today. The two best days for fishermen in the whole year is
yesterday and tomorrow but not for the saint.
Today is his
time. How we love talking about the future, and what God
will do then. As we abide at midnight, tomorrow is only a second away.
God is working just as much in you this second as He will be next second! The power that raised Jesus
from the dead is operating in you right
now! Let us believe;
let us have the right mind. |