Thoughts by Bro. Ernest Hawtin




  I cannot get inspiration, it seems, to concentrate on any message in particular, and as it is some time now since I have written to the saints, I will sit down and begin to write on the above title, hoping to say something that will meet whatever need there may be.


        Last night as I spoke to the saints, I was conscious of the great need of the Lord's help in these last days. There are so many teachings that are either not wholly of the Spirit, or not fully Scriptural. One of these two is usually evident. We must surely have our senses exercised to discern between good and evil. The word is actually "both" good and evil (He. 5:14), so it isn't a matter of choosing between two things, which is right and which is wrong, but having the operation of the Spirit upon the mind involving comparisons and discrimination to develop a sense of both good and evil. So many have accepted the Lord as Saviour but have not allowed Him to operate in their senses, to give them both conscience and God-consciousness; so when evil comes, they may embrace it as something good, or if they are sufficiently humble, they may ask someone.


        Spiritual senses can be developed as well as natural senses. Some have so developed their sense of direction, for instance, so they can always tell the various points of the compass. The religious leaders were branded by the Lord as being blind leaders of the blind (Mt. 15:14), and the Sadducees as not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God (Mt. 22:29). O for that definite knowledge that the Lord has made possible.


        We need to see in these days that something that is being taught may be quite Scriptural, and was practiced by the saints at some earlier time, such as all things common in the days following the outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost, but which was not again practiced to any extent to this present day. There is a time for everything, and many times the Scriptures lie dormant until it is time for the Holy Spirit to apply that particular revelation to the hearts and lives of God's people. There are certain Scriptures which imply restoration of all things, such as, Every knee should bow (Ph. 2:10-11), etc., but the Holy Spirit has been silent on this, emphasizing our present responsibility, and those who have searched and taught all the scriptures relative to this subject, have not bettered themselves or the church, and in many cases have caused people to become careless in their present walk. Harry Morse said, "Let's find out what God is blessing and go along with that."

        On the other hand folks may be practicing something, and have been for years, for which they may have not one word of Scriptural backing. It is a great evil and a waste of time to be taken up with something not in the Word. For a simple example, let us look at the denominational, Bible college system. There is not one word of backing from the Bible. For the simple biblical order of the apostles, elders, and deacons, etc., where each church taught the Word in the pure, home environment for young and old, and those called of God for a ministry on the field were trained in the local assembly as teachers or prophets, there has been substituted a pastor-producing plant, that turns out scores of starry-eyed youth yearly, looking for an assembly that will hire them as pastor, where they can teach men three times their age, the things of God. We know this is all wrong scripturally. Seeing God decreed that His people should be part of a thing like this in the past days, it is no reason for us to go along with it now that He has called us to come out. In these days when we are to redeem the time, let us see that we do not waste it on something the Holy Spirit never instituted. If we dabble around in it now, it will lead up to the ecumenical coming together of all denominations, and how very few have senses mature enough to judge that this is an evil thing that will culminate in the mark of the Beast.


        Again, there may be things that the Spirit is bringing forth, and that are also Scriptural, but require the teaching of the Holy Spirit to bring the saints into its proper application, on an even keel. If Satan cannot succeed in prolonging ignorance, once light has come, he will seek to pervert it in its correct application, so it will become head knowledge instead of heart knowledge, and the result is pride instead of humility. The teaching of the Sons of God is an example of this. It has been built up to be some great and sudden manifestation, in which all shall be as the Lord, and do the same in all things as He. Surely mighty miracles, signs, and wonders will take place, and we believe this, but let us beware of this super-man idea about the Sons of God. My simple definition of a son will not line up with this idea. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14.)  On this basis I will have liberty to say that if a man was led of the Spirit just to live an isolated life, perhaps of prayer, or other unseen work, he would be just as much a son of God as one who raised the dead.


It is also imagined that a son would have all five of the ministries. This is also an error. He may not have any of them, if this was not his calling. Whether we have one of the five ministries or not, our Elder Brother will in no wise be ashamed to call us brethren, For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren, Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto Thee (He. 2:11-12). Paul declared he was a teacher, a preacher, and an apostle of the Gentiles. He never said, and neither does the Scripture, that he was a prophet or an elder. If a son can do anything, and have all the ministries, was Paul only two-fifths led of the Spirit seeing he was just teacher and apostle? No, it matters not what outward appearance your calling may take, as long as God judges that you were led of the Spirit.


One of the greatest of purposes in Sonship is not to see how glorified you are going to look and act, and the mighty works you will do, but to fill up that which is lacking of the sufferings of Christ. Only the very mature saints are going to be willing to know the fellowship of His sufferings, and be made conformable unto His death (Ph. 3:10). Many are willing to be led by the Spirit when He leads them in great healings and miracles. But what about the vale of suffering and misunderstanding, of hatred and rejection for presumably no cause? The Head is very anxious to share every experience of the Body, because in each one's walk He is enriched by a knowledge that originates in the events in which a member is called to pass through. We can surely concede there are some things our Lord did not have to pass through. He suffered death by crucifixion, a thing that would not now be possible; but He would not have the experience of being burned at the stake; but wait, here is John Huss, who went through this death, a member of the Body, who has now given of his experience to the Head. He did not know the suffering of being shipwrecked, a day and a night in the deep, or beaten with rods, but in Paul, the apostle, these ways of suffering were added in knowledge to the Head. Through sufferings of the Body, the Sons of God perfect their Prince Leader, and Elder Brother! (He. 2:10) -- For it was fitting that He for whom and through whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should perfect by suffering the Prince Leader of their salvation (Weymouth).


To over-emphasize the place of Sons will lead people to separate themselves from other saints who seem less spiritual. This is a delusion. They feel so self-sufficient they do not see the need of the Body, when the constant contact with the saints is the very thing that matures the children of God. The Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit are for others, and are ministered to others, and must be practiced on others to become fully proven and experimental. The unity of the Body is a precious and godly thing. It develops the discernment of both good and evil; as we are persuaded that a thing is evil, but have no proof, then see the rest of the body react the same, it is a good encouragement from the Lord. Yes, these are the days! We need the Lord -- and each other!