Branhamism &
William Branham: The followings are just a few of what he assumed and accused me of teaching (something that cannot be proven from my books, tapes or website):
"Gan claims
some people are born saved (Adamic seed) and some born damned (fallen
angelic seed), depending upon the lineage of a person's seed." For Reckart to call himself a MAN OF GOD he ought to be, at least, humble and sincere enough to seriously study and look into the teachings of those preachers whom he intends to defame. This, however, was not the case. He simply presumed everything and thereby made lies of facts he did not know. What a foolish man of God! He accused me of being angry with him just because I quoted him for my particular webpage on "Branhamism". I guess that webpage must have kindled, not just a flame, but a fire of anger in him that caused him to post an ugly article against me: "Richard Gan is a unique man. He buys his way among the unlearned and uneducated with cold drinks, sandwiches, and a little party for the ministers and Pastors he can gather."
childish can this man get. He presumed without fear that I was
buying the souls of the uneducated. The photo he took out of my
website and posted on his shows 3 Malaweans and me having lunch in a home.
I was invited to it. What made him think otherwise? I believe
he was upset and angry because the man (Gusto Gadama), dressed in blue in the picture, had deceived
him. And Mr. Reckart thought that I had something to do with it.
(The speech bubble above the head of Gadama was inserted by Reckart. How
sarcastic!) For the record, I had no idea that Gadama was associated with Reckart
until now. I knew Gadama back in the 1990s (before Reckart knew him, I
guess). Gadama translated some of my messages into one of the Malawean
languages. I did not ask him to. He willingly did it on his own, and he
wanted me to print them. It took a few years before I had the money
to print a small quantity of each of the messages that Gadama had
"Did he [Reckart is referring to Gadama] get a lot of money out of you or did he sell himself to you cheap? Now sir, I call you to repent of all your false doctrines. If you do not undo the heresies you have spread in India, Africa nations, and other places, your soul will be cursed into everlasting punishment. You have been warned!" Reckart must have been really angry when he wrote those lines. I feel sorry for him. When a person gets angry, he'll presume. Now, Reckart is a man who presumes too much on things he thinks he knows when in fact he does not know. Presumption leads to lies and presumptuous sinning against others − be they Christians or non-Christians. Many of such presumptuous people are haughty in spirit and judgmental. They have no guilt, perhaps not even the fear of the Lord. "Now where is his wife? Why is she never seen with him? Why does he never mention her? Is this man normal?" Now, why is this so-called MAN OF GOD bringing my wife into the issue? "Where is his wife?" Right here with me, Mr. Reckart. "Why is she never seen with him?" Do I need my wife to travel with me and be seen, Mr. Reckart? (I would if my wife wants to and is able to put up with the hardship of traveling.) "Why does he never mention her?" Mention her for what purpose, Mr. Reckart? Need I to mention and preach about my wife? (By the way, have you ever sat in any of my meetings to hear me mentioned just a little about my wife? So why do you presume that I never mentioned her?) Is my wife a "show piece" and a "talk piece" that I have to draw attention to her? What about my children, Mr. Reckart? And what about putting my wife's and children's pictures in all my books and website so that they can be seen? Mr. Reckart: Did the MEN OF GOD, like Peter, John, Philip, Moses, Isaiah, etc., go out on missionary trips with their wives and/or children? Have you ever read in the Bible that they did just that and where they harped about their wives and children? Are servants of God called to preach, "talk about Jesus", or to "talk about their wives"? To Reckart, a preacher man is normal only if he takes his wife with him on missionary trips. Why do preachers like Reckart want to "show off" their wives like politicians and movie stars do with their spouses? That certainly is not normal. It's sick. But what is Reckart really getting at when he asked: "Is this man normal?" when he doesn't see my wife with me on trips? Is Reckart insinuating that something is physically and sexually wrong with my make-up because of that? Is he thinking evil thoughts? What wicked thoughts lurk in his mind! Otherwise, why did he ask those foolish and unbecoming questions? Has he no qualms about his questioning?
Mr. Reckart: you presume too much on too many things and would even speak against a real Man of God, William Branham. As you called yourself a MAN OF GOD, you need to search your own heart, soul and spirit, and judge your very self less you be judged. May God have mercy. Click here for "The Lies of Cohen Reckart" Click here for "Bishop Cohen Reckart - Arrogant and Presumptuous" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~