YEAR 2022
[Jan.02]   The All Sufficiency of The Sacred Scripture [7]... A closer look, here a little and there a little, in order to see.

158.4MB     9.8MB

[Jan.09]   The All Sufficiency of The Sacred Scripture [8]... Take heed how you read for in reading many read not...

161.5MB   10.0MB

[Jan.16]   The All Sufficiency of The Sacred Scripture [9]... With all sincerity "prove all things; hold fast that which is good...the form of sound words..."

176.9MB   11.0MB

[Jan.23]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [1]... What is coming? What reasons are there for us to prepared?

158.9MB     9.6MB

[Jan.30]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [2]... To prepare, we need to properly understand the events that are coming.

181.4MB   10.7MB

[Feb.06]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [3]... The Bride has to go into and through the Great Tribulation, so some believe...

176.8MB   10.6MB

[Feb.13]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [4]... Trial, tribulation, temptation, testing..."we glory in tribulation..."

185.7MB   11.5MB

[Feb.20]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [5]... "All these things shall come upon this generation."  "Tell us, when shall these things be?..."

178.0MB   11.1MB

[Feb.27]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [6]... "...the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:.."

156.6MB     9.7MB

[Mar.06]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [7]... The Age of Total Separation... binding of the tares, the Call of the virgins, the separation of the chaffs from the wheat...

163.1MB     9.9MB

[Mar.13]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [8]... Endtime prophetic events on the move as the slumbering bear stirs from her sleep and shakes the Beast. 

186.5MB   11.3MB

[Mar.20]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [9]... Are the signs spoken of by Christ in Matthew 24 definitely for our days? Will there be another generation?

152.4MB     9.5MB

[Mar.27]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [10]... Are you making yourself ready? Is your Agape abounding in full knowledge and discernment of that which is of great value, pure and offenceless filled with the fruit of righteousness?

148.8MB     9.2MB

[Apr.03]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [11]... Watchman, what of the night? Our Lord Jesus said, "Behold, I come quickly..."  He is cutting short the night. 

166.6MB     9.9MB

[Apr.10]   Be Prepared For What Is Coming [12]... "His Wife Hath Made Herself Ready".  The darkest hour is soon pass and the SON arises. O, how quickly He will come!

176.0MB   10.9MB

[Apr.17]   The Life of The Body of Christ [1]... The Head and the Body...life consciousness.

146.1MB     9.1MB

[Apr.24]   The Life of The Body of Christ [2]... The Head and the Body...body consciousness, awareness of the one common Life.

158.8MB     9.9MB

[May.01]  The Life of The Body of Christ [3]... "...all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." 

139.6MB     8.9MB

[May.08]  The Life of The Body of Christ [4]... On touching the Life of the Head, we are duty bound to one another being members of the same Body.

160.4MB     9.9MB

[May.15]   What Is Truth? [1]... "What is truth?...I find in him no fault at all."  (Pilate)

148.0MB     9.2MB

[May.22]   What Is Truth? [2]... Jesus said, "I am...THE TRUTH..."  As the truth of Christ is in us, so speak we the truth in love.

142.2MB     8.8MB

[May.29]   Beat Your Attitudes... Your words and actions reflect your life, who you are.

175.0MB   10.9MB

[June 05]  Questions For The Wise Bereans [1]... hair... child abuse... cleanliness... genetics...

156.7MB     9.7MB

[June 12]  Questions For The Wise Bereans [2]... is Noah a pure Sethite?

148.7MB     9.2MB

[June 19]  Questions For The Wise Bereans [3]... the Sin of Ham... Branham's ministry produced Ephesians 4:11?

159.2MB     9.9MB

[June 26]  Questions For The Wise Bereans [4]... on Pain and Suffering and the Doctrine of Positive Confession.

194.8MB   12.1MB

[July 03]   Questions For The Wise Bereans [5]... Why did not God put the death penalty upon Cain for killing Abel; and Ham and his mother for their incestuous sin?  Was meat eaten before the Flood?

152.5MB     9.5MB

[July 10]   Questions For The Wise Bereans [6]... confusion over TITHING...

180.8MB   11.2MB

[July 17]   Questions For The Wise Bereans [7]... freewill giving and TITHING...

158.8MB     9.9MB

[July 24]   The Burden of The Lord... Confessing your Faith and Love...

169.7MB   10.5MB

[July 31]   Bond... What is your bond?

176.4MB   10.9MB

[Aug 07]   Contentment and Joy [1]... Rejoicing...abundant joy.

147.4MB     9.1MB

[Aug.14]   Contentment and Joy [2]... Discern what things are of value that you live sincere, pure and without fault, being filled with the fruit of righteousness...

145.2MB     9.0MB

[Aug.21]   Contentment and Joy [3]... For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. ...I am in a strait between two...

174.5MB   10.8MB

[Aug.28]   Contentment and Joy [4]... Let your life be as a true believer; stand fast in one spirit and one mind, and striving together for the faith of the gospel and even to suffer.

170.0MB   10.6MB

[Sep.04]   Contentment and Joy [5]... Let this Mind of Christ be in us...emptying ourselves, humbling ourselves and obeying the Way of the Cross.

164.2MB   10.2MB

[Sep.11]   Contentment and Joy [6]... "...if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me."

155.2MB     9.6MB

[Sep.18]   Contentment and Joy [7]... Joy and rejoice, trusting in the Lord...

123.5MB     7.7MB

[Sep.25]   Contentment and Joy [8]... JOY: Jesus first, Others second, You last.

162.3MB   10.1MB

[Oct.02]   Contentment and Joy [9]... The flesh that leads to one being a concision of the Truth. Such flesh destroys the unity of the Spirit and destroys the faith of many.

178.3MB   11.1MB

[Oct.09]   Contentment and Joy [10]... I count all my fleshly gains as dung that I may win Christ, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death.

143.8MB     8.9MB

[Oct.30]   Contentment and Joy [11]... I do not consider I have laid hold just because Christ laid hold of me. I press on to the mark for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

180.6MB   11.2MB

[Nov.06]  Bro. Andrew Phiri:   Breaking the Alabaster Box

 212.9MB   13.2MB

[Nov.13]  Bro. Andrew Phiri:   And Satan Came Also Among Them

 214.0MB   13.3MB

[Nov.20]   Contentment and Joy [12]... Don't look back, keep pressing forward...

178.8MB   11.1MB

[Nov.27]   Contentment and Joy [13]... Imitate me...and be warned of those hostiles to the cross of Christ for their end is destruction...

192.1MB   11.9MB

[Dec.04]   Contentment and Joy [14]... "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice"

173.9MB   10.8MB

[Dec.11]   Contentment and Joy [15]... The peace of God that came to us by God's AGAPE will fortify our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

153.9MB     9.6MB

[Dec.18]   Contentment and Joy [16]... "...I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Be not distressed nor be despaired over me, but rejoice with me.

190.5MB   11.9MB

[Dec.25]   God's Threshing Floor [1]... Where is it?  What is it?

173.6MB   10.8MB

YEAR 2023
[Jan.01]   God's Threshing Floor [2]... Threshing and fanning; separating and gathering.

193.5MB   12.0MB

[Jan.08]   Bro. Paul Sim ~ Do I Know God's Will For Me?

149.7MB     9.3MB

[Jan.15]   Bro. Paul Sim ~ Spiritual Warfare

146.7MB     9.1MB

[Jan.22]   The Mystery of Suffering [1]... Suffering: the causes...

162.0MB   10.0MB

[Jan.29]   Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ How faithful are we to Our FAITHFUL GOD ?

132.4MB     8.2MB

[Feb.05]   Bro. Paul Sim ~ Recognizing God's Authority (and submitting to it.)

145.1MB     9.0MB

[Feb.12]   The Mystery of Suffering [2]... Suffering: God's plan and purpose in my life.

153.0MB     9.1MB

[Feb.26]  The Mystery of Suffering [3]... Life to death to LIFE...the stages of reaching and experiencing TRUE LIFE -- possessing the Revelation of the Word.

179.3MB   11.1MB

[Mar.05]  Bro. Rolly Santos & Bro. Henry Gan:   Sharing life experiences.

 173.5MB  10.7MB

[Mar.12]  Know Thyself [1]... who and what you really are...do not be over confident to think that you know thyself when you do not, less you stand before God's Throne and hear these words: "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

186.8MB   11.6MB

[Mar.19]   Bro. Clement Setho: Godly Sorrow
                    Bro. Paul Sim ~  Attitude Towards Truth

 175.5MB  10.9MB

[Mar.26]   Bro. Zoel Gan:   Seemeth it but a small thing unto you

 67.7MB   4.2MB

[Apr.02]   Bro. Yingfan Tay:   Guarding our emotions

    175.6MB  10.9MB

[Apr.09]  Bro. Kolade Abolarinwa:   A Great House But What Manner of Vessels

 127.8MB     8.0MB

[Apr.23]  Bro. Joshua Nice:   Discerning the Lord's Body

 195.5MB   12.2MB

[Apr.28]  Bro. Joshua Nice and Bro. James Veremu:   Funeral and Cremation Services

 152.1MB     9.2MB

[Apr.30]  Bro. Joshua Nice with Bro. James Veremu:  The Great Commission

 222.8MB   13.5MB

[Apr.30]  Bro. James Veremu:  Life By The Promise

 113.3MB     7.0MB

[May.05]  Bro. Akpan Blessing Nice:  The Prize of Resurrection [1]

 156.1MB    9.5MB

[May.07]  Bro. Akpan Blessing Nice:  The Prize of Resurrection [2] Follow The Ark

 172.2MB   10.7MB

[May.07]  Bro. James Veremu:  He Is Not Dead

 162.3MB   10.1MB

[May.09]  Bro. James Veremu:  True Worshippers

 146.8MB    9.1MB

[May.14]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [1] Where do we stand? Blessedness or Nakedness?

235.3MB   14.6MB

[May.21]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [2] How do we see? from Nakedness to Blessedness

233.1MB   14.5MB

[May.28]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [3] The Name above all names and The Bond of Perfectness

192.5MB   11.9MB

[Jun.04]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [4] The Name of the Only Begotten Son and The Manifestation of God's Love

199.1MB   12.4MB

[Jun.11]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [5] The Faithful and True Witness

179.0MB   11.1MB

[Jun.18]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [6] The Power of Holy Spirit which itself beareth witness with our spirit

177.2MB   10.5MB

[Jun.25]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [7] The Power of Holy Spirit: The Presence and The Glory of The Lord

170.9MB   10.7MB

[Jul.02]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [8] The Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord: The earth will be filled

187.1MB   11.5MB

[Jul.09]  Bro. Prasanna I.V. ~ The Foundation of God [9] The Sacrifice and the Covenant: Annulled from Death and Atoned for LIFE

181.5MB   11.3MB

[Jul.16]  The Ark of The Covenant [1] Are you a True Friend?

199.1MB   12.2MB

[Jul.23]  The Ark of The Covenant [2] Humble beginning of The Great Journey

192.7MB   11.6MB

[Jul.30]  The Ark of The Covenant [3] A New King, who did not know Joseph

192.7MB   11.6MB

[Aug.06]  The Ark of The Covenant [4] The Flood, The River and The Ocean

173.0MB   10.7MB

[Aug.13]  The Ark of The Covenant [5] From the Natural Birth of Fatherhood to the Spiritual Rebirth of Priesthood

171.7MB   10.4MB

[Aug.20]  The Ark of The Covenant [6] The Bridge between Moses & Paul: Naturally Invisible & Spiritually Invincible

167.8MB   10.4MB

[Aug.27]  The Ark of The Covenant [7] The Turn and The Call

162.8MB   10.1MB

[Sep.03]  The Ark of The Covenant [8] The Flame, The Fire and The Light

200.6MB   12.4MB

[Sep.10]  The Ark of The Covenant [9] I will be with thy mouth

164.1MB   10.2MB

[Sep.17]  The Ark of The Covenant [10] The Spirit gave them Utterance

183.0MB   11.4MB

[Sep.24]  The Ark of The Covenant [11] They Gladly Received The Word

195.9MB   12.0MB

[Oct.01]  The Ark of The Covenant [12] The 3000

180.4MB   11.2MB

[Oct.08]  The Ark of The Covenant [13] The Spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet

192.7MB   12.0MB

[Oct.15]  The Ark of The Covenant [14] Wilt thou be made WHOLE ?

200.1MB   12.4MB

[Oct.22]  The Ark of The Covenant [15] The WATERPOTS of STONE

209.1MB   13.0MB

[Oct.29]  The Ark of The Covenant [16] Fill the waterPOTS with WATER

124.7MB     7.7MB

[Nov.05] The Ark of The Covenant [17] The Children of The Prophets and of The Covenant

196.9MB   12.2MB

[Nov.12] The Ark of The Covenant [18] The Church of The Firstborn

166.7MB   10.4MB

[Nov.19] The Ark of The Covenant [19] The Ark of The Testimony - Lord Jesus, receive my spirit

190.9MB   11.9MB

[Nov.26] Bro. Paul Sim ~ The Forbearance of God

158.4MB     9.8MB

[Dec.10] Bro. Paul Sim ~ Destroying the works of the Devil

143.3MB     8.9MB

[Dec.24] The Wrath of God [1] Children of Disobedience

134.2MB     8.3MB

[Dec.31] The Wrath of God [2] Mercy Rejoiceth Against Judgement

155.9MB     9.7MB