YEAR 2012
[Jan.01] Jesus - The Judgment... "What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?"  A question that you too have to ask and to answer.

184.0MB   13.0MB

[Jan.08] Jesus - The Crucifixion... On Golgotha Hill they crucified "JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS". And they looked upon Him whom they pierced.

164.6MB   11.7MB

[Jan.22] Jesus - The Resurrection and Ascension... He's alive! He has risen from the dead! He has conquered death! He now sits on the right hand of Yahweh!  Hallelujah!

178.0MB   12.6MB









Chart 6

[Jan.29] The Birth of The Church... on the Day of Pentecost. " shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me..."

140.0MB    9.9MB

[Feb.05] The Acts of The Apostles... are the acts of the Holy Spirit. The first generation apostles are the founding fathers of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.

150.0MB   10.6MB

[Feb.12] The Keys of The Kingdom... are entrusted to the apostles. They are empowered with a gift -- how and when to use those keys.

166.6MB   11.7MB

[Feb.19] Saul and The Uncircumcison... brought much fear and contention to the saints when they were converted. But the Spirit confrimed His Word.

147.3MB   10.4MB

[Feb.26] Separate Unto Me... God calls and separates men for His work. God-called men are vindicated by His Spirit and His Word.

169.1MB   11.9MB

[Mar.04] Turning To The Gentiles... "Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean: from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles."

165.3MB   11.7MB

[Mar.11] Establishing The Churches... "I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you......I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God..."

174.4MB   12.3MB

[Mar.18] Paul's Final Years... "Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome."

156.3MB   11.1MB

[Mar.25] Bro. James Veremu: We Were Called.

161.3MB   11.4MB

[Apr.01] Take Heed How and What You Hear... How do you hear and what do you hear when a message is given? "...for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have."

193.4MB   13.3MB

[Apr.29] Bro. James Veremu: The Lord Our God.

160.0MB   11.3MB

[May.06] The Thing Called Love... Taking a closer look at the Biblical issue of love.

180.6MB   12.8MB

[May.13] Bro. James Veremu: Effectual Prayer

154.3MB   10.9MB

Eternity & Time Series continues
[May.20] The Age of Grace... An overview of the dispensation of grace in the first vision of John on the Isle of Patmos.

159.1MB   11.3MB

[May.27] The Mystery of God... which was declared to God's prophets of old time is revealed when He began grafting in the wild olive branches to the natural olive tree.

134.0MB     9.5MB

[June 03] The Ephesian Church Age... an age of great love for the Saviour and His Word, but the church soon drifted away from that first love.

160.0MB   11.3MB

[June 03] The Ephesian Church Age Messenger... Paul: he raised and set a standard for all the other ages to come.

188.0MB   13.2MB

[June.17] O, How Art Thou Fallen... A look at fallen angels.

176.4MB   12.5MB

Eternity & Time Series continues
[June 24] The Smyrnan Church Age and Messenger... an age of bitterness and suffering for the church. Irenaeus: militant against organization and the antichrist spirit.

138.2MB    9.8MB

[July 01] The Pergamean Church Age and Messenger... an age that sees the rise of hell's headquarter. St. Martin: bold to the tearing down of the devil's stronghold.

167.0MB  11.8MB

[July 29] The Thyatirean Church Age and Messenger... an age of darkness dominated by "Jezebel". St. Columba: a consecrated and bold missionary of God.

143.8MB  10.2MB

[Aug.05] The Sardisean Church Age and Messenger... an age of reformation caused by the discovery of God's treasures. Martin Luther: fearless against the serpents of Rome.

150.1MB  10.6MB

[Aug.12] The Philadelphian Church Age and Messenger... an age of great missionary work spurred on by John Wesley when he found the pearl of great price.

185.6MB  13.2MB

[Aug.19] The Laodicean Church Age and Messenger... an age in which people demanded their own rights. But the saints are given a message by William Branham to get back to God's Word and be rightly set upon Its foundation.

174.8MB  12.4MB

[Aug.26] The Shout, The Voice, The Trump... the final ministries that will close the Age of Grace after the Fullness of the Gentiles is come in finishing up the Mystery of God.

160.0MB  11.3MB

[Sep.02] Around God's Throne... who is the One that is sitting on the Throne?

167.9MB  11.9MB

[Sep.09] The Sealed Scroll... only the One who is worthy can take the title deed and open it and redeem all that belongs to Him. Worthy is the Lamb that was slained...

156.5MB  11.1MB

[Sep.16] The Opening of The Seals... looking at the revelation and the fulfillment of the first four seals - "The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse".

163.5MB  11.6MB

[Sep.23] The Time of The End... what to expect as the fullness of the Gentiles comes in.

172.8MB  12.1MB

[Sep.30] For The Love of God... A look at God's Love in us, and exercising righteous authority over our own will, governing our own life and spirit.

168.6MB   11.9MB

Eternity & Time Series continues
[Oct.07] World War 3... or the Battle of Ezekiel 38-39 as foretold by Prophet Ezekiel.

151.8MB  10.7MB

[Oct.14] The Trump... the final "reveille" of Christ to His Gentile Bride.

160.9MB  11.5MB

[Oct.21] From The Seven Thunders to The Two Olive Trees... the Gospel transfers from the raging sea of the Gentiles to the holy land of the Jews.

145.3MB  10.3MB

[Oct.28] Prayer and Supplication... Breathing the life of the Spirit unto the Heavenly Father in truth with all sincerity and faith.

179.3MB   12.5MB

Eternity & Time Series continues









Chart 7

[Nov.04] Entering Daniel's 70th Week... after the fullness of the Gentiles is fulfilled.

181.6MB  13.3MB

[Nov.11] The Two Witnesses... come to minister the Gospel for 1260 days as the Antichrist makes a covenant with many for "one week".

168.8MB  12.0MB

[Nov.18] Sealing The 144,000... They are spiritual virgins unto God. They are set apart to preach the everlasting gospel.

177.3MB  12.6MB

[Dec.02] The Woman Israel... the nation that Satan seeks to destroy because of the Promised Seed.

171.2MB  12.1MB

[Dec.09] The Seven Trumpeting Angels 1... the first four trumpets.

168.5MB  11.9MB

[Dec.16] The Seven Trumpeting Angels 2... the three woes.

183.1MB  13.0MB

[Dec.30] The Manifestation of The Sons of God 1... a look at our Adoption.

155.0MB   11.0MB

YEAR 2013
[Jan.06] The Manifestation of The Sons of God 2... the spiritual...then the physical...

173.4MB   12.3MB

Eternity & Time Series continues
[Jan.13] The Seven Trumpeting Angels 3... the last two trumpets.

173.1MB  12.3MB

[Jan.20] The First Beast... a ten-horned diverse beast rises up out of the sea.

183.2MB  13.0MB

[Feb.03] The Second Beast... a wild beast with two lamb-like horns rises up out of the earth.

126.6MB   8.9MB

[Feb.10] The Image of The Beast... Through ecumenism Americanism builds an image to Romanism to bring about One World, One Church.

172.2MB  12.2MB

[Feb.17] Beasts, Heads, Horns, Image, Woman... Understanding the terms.

181.8MB  12.9MB

[Feb.24] The Lightning Fall of Satan... When and where?... O how he is cast out, his place is no more found in heaven...he is cut down to the ground and soon will be cast down and come down unto you, you sinners...

184.2MB   13.1MB

Eternity & Time Series continues
[Mar.03] The Ministry of The 144,000... with the Everlasting Gospel to Israel and the world, speaking out against Mystery Babylon and warning all against identifying with the Beast and her Image.

181.4MB  12.8MB

[Mar.10] The Last Heavenly Sign... of the coming great judgment of God.

177.9MB  12.6MB

[Mar.17] The Outpouring of The Vials... God's great wrath upon the ungodly.

177.0MB  12.5MB

[Mar.24] It Is Done!... The "boiling-over outburst" of God's wrath is finished!

156.0MB  11.0MB

[Mar.29] Agape's Reality... in the Lord's Supper...

161.5MB   10.9MB

Eternity & Time Series continues
[Mar.31] The Judgment of The Great Whore... that sitteth on many waters while riding on the beast that "was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition". The last great beastly kingdom exists but a short time when Satan is incarnated.

195.5MB  13.9MB

[Apr.21] Well of Living Water... How deep is your well and are you digging?

119.0MB    8.4MB

[Apr.28] Have You A Revelation From God?... The Wisdom of God is given to us wrapped in mysteries.

137.0MB    9.7MB

Eternity & Time Series continues
[May.05] Babylon The Great Is Fallen... She who is a whore, evil and prideful, who glorifies herself and lives luxuriously is weighed in the balance and found wanting is fallen.

148.4MB  10.5MB

[May.12] The Marriage of The Lamb Is Come... Blessed are they who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

162.2MB  11.5MB

[May.19] The Day of The Lord... brings Christ back to earth to tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

164.2MB  11.6MB

[May.26] Armageddon... The Battle of Armageddon and its aftermath.

165.0MB  11.7MB









Chart 8 

[June 02] The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ... an age of regeneration to bring about an Edemic condition of the earth.

175.4MB  12.4MB

[June 09] In The Regeneration... the land promised to Israel is realized and divided. The "sheep" nations of people are de-hybridized by the words from out of Jerusalem.

134.6MB    9.5MB

[June 16] The End of Time... The Battle of Gog and Magog closes out time and the age of mankind, and ushers in the Great White Throne Judgment to begin the eternal age.

179.0MB   12.7MB

[June 23] A New Heaven and A New Earth... will appear after the elements of the earth and the works of man are dissolved and melted away by fervent heat.

170.2MB   12.1MB

[June 30] Holy City New Jerusalem 1... What started as a cornerstone for a house of God is turned into a Great City that is built foursquare and pyramidal in shape.

190.9MB   13.5MB

[July 07] Holy City New Jerusalem 2... The Holy City has no temple in it. It needs no sunlight nor moonlight. Christ is the light of it and the nations shall live by that light.

166.4MB   11.8MB

[July 14] Behold, I Come Quickly... The Spirit and the Bride are one as the Eternal Age comes into view. Maranatha, even so, Come lord Jesus!

176.4MB   12.5MB

[July 21] Run To The Cross... when God's demand is overwhelming and overly painful.

170.0MB   12.0MB

[July 28] The Gospel - The Man... God chastised Christ for our peace.

167.6MB   11.9MB

[Aug.04] An Ideal Church... what makes a local ekklesia one.

176.5MB   12.5MB

[Aug.11] And They Crucified Him In The Place Called The Skull... seeing, tasting and following the Pillar of Fire, then denying, rejecting and crucifying the Christ in the skull.

177.6MB   12.6MB

[Aug.18] The Sign of The Tav... the Cross is the focal point of God's plan and purpose.

173.6MB   12.3MB

[Aug.25] Seven Steps To Agape... Stepping up to our Promised Rest.

184.2MB   13.0MB

[Sep.01] True Fellowship... concerning the matter of fellowship

190.4MB   13.4MB

[Sep.08] The Three Parables... showing the Father's love and joy when He found that which was lost; and that which was dead and is alive again.

162.0MB   11.5MB

[Sep.15] The Candle of God... His Righteousness...

197.2MB   13.9MB

[Sep.22] Psalm 23: A Reflection... The LORD my Shepherd, my everything...

173.4MB   12.3MB

The First Principles of The Doctrine of Christ
[Sep.29] Introduction... why these principles must first be taught to a new born babe in Christ than any other topic of the Bible.

185.7MB   13.2MB

[Oct.06] Repentance From Dead Works... Repent is the first word of the Gospel. The need to understand what true repentance is.

213.0MB   15.1MB

[Oct.13] Faith Toward God [a]... Faith is the second word of the Gospel. Not all have the faith that rests wholly in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

170.4MB   12.1MB

[Oct.20] Faith Toward God [b]... Spiritual Faith is a revelation from God. A life quickened by His Spirit to manifest His love and life.

169.3MB   12.5MB

[Oct.27] Doctrine of Baptisms... of Water, of the Holy Spirit, and of Fire.

198.0MB   14.0MB

[Nov.17] Birth Pain... The earth travails as a woman in labour...

154.4MB   10.3MB

The First Principles of The Doctrine of Christ continues
[Nov.24] Laying On of Hands... of Identification and Impartation...

188.6MB   13.4MB

[Dec.01] Resurrection of The Dead... from the quickening of the spirit to the quickening of the mortal body.

167.3MB   11.8MB

[Dec.08] Eternal Judgment [a]... The fact that God is Just and Righteous demands that He must judge all unrighteousness in His creatures.

185.0MB   13.1MB

[Dec.15] Eternal Judgment [b]... Judgment must begin with the household of God... what prospect will there be for those at the end...?

195.6MB   13.9MB

[Dec.22] Perfection... Perfection in the image of Christ, the divine standard, is made possible by the atonement. The Inccoruptible Seed will bring it to pass.

190.0MB   13.5MB

[Dec.29] The Word and The Spirit... The Life is in the Seed and It needs watering. Consider the Incorruptible Seed, then consider the water of life.

209.0MB   15.0MB